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How to declare

The Econ Major declaration process is online.  This information will help your advisor and the Economics Student Services Officer.  The declaration process requires that you meet at least once with your advisor but, of course, you are encouraged to meet regularly and take advantage of the opportunity to develop a relationship with your advisor, who is a respected expert in the field of economics.

These are the steps to declare the Econ Major:

  1. Complete the online Econ Major Declaration form. This form is closed. The declaration form will reopen in Fall 2024.
  2. Economics Undergraduate Study will review your declaration form submission and then email you with the name of your Econ advisor. *Note: Declaration forms are reviewed in batches during week 3, 6 and 9 of each quarter.  
  3. Make an appointment to meet with the advisor to go over your declaration form and ask the advisor to email econ-undergrad [at] (econ-undergrad[at]stanford[dot]edu), approving your plan.
  4. Declare in Axess.
  5. Email econ-undergrad [at] (econ-undergrad[at]stanford[dot]edu) to schedule a Zoom appointment with a Student Services Officer to complete your declaration approval process on Axess. Your declaration will not be finalized until you meet with the Undergraduate SSO!
  • PLEASE NOTE: We strongly encourage students to declare by the end of the Spring Quarter of their Sophomore year to be properly prepared for the Economics Capstone requirement that will begin in their Junior year. You must declare NO LATER than by the end of the quarter prior to the quarter of your graduation. You may not declare during the summer quarter, the last week of autumn or winter quarter, or the last two weeks of the spring quarter.