ZF Group

ZF Group


Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg 1.202.904 Follower:innen

For a clean, safe, comfortable and affordable mobility for everyone, everywhere


ZF ist ein weltweit aktiver Technologiekonzern und liefert Systeme für die Mobilität von Pkw, Nutzfahrzeugen und Industrietechnik. ZF lässt Fahrzeuge sehen, denken und handeln: In den vier Technologiefeldern Vehicle Motion Control, integrierte Sicherheit, automatisiertes Fahren und Elektromobilität bietet ZF umfassende Lösungen für etablierte Fahrzeughersteller sowie für neu entstehende Anbieter von Transport- und Mobilitätsdienstleistungen. ZF elektrifiziert Fahrzeuge unterschiedlichster Kategorien und trägt mit seinen Produkten dazu bei, Emissionen zu reduzieren und das Klima zu schützen. Im Jahr 2022 hat ZF mit weltweit rund 165.000 Mitarbeitern einen Umsatz von 43,8 Milliarden Euro erzielt. Das Unternehmen ist an 168 Produktionsstandorten in 32 Ländern vertreten. Die Begeisterung für innovative Produkte und das Streben nach Qualität zeichnen ZF aus. Unsere Innovationskraft verdanken wir nicht zuletzt unseren hoch motivierten Mitarbeitern, denen wir im Gegenzug interessante und herausfordernde Tätigkeiten mit großer Eigenverantwortung und Freiraum und der Chance auf eine internationale Karriere bieten können. Ständig sind wir auf der Suche nach talentierten Ingenieuren, motivierten Betriebswirten und engagierten Computerspezialisten, Juristen und Sachbearbeitern – mit und ohne Berufserfahrung –, die Teil eines weltweiten Teams werden möchten. Möchten Sie gemeinsam mit uns Innovation erleben und gestalten? Wir leisten unseren Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Zukunft durch neuartige technologische Lösungen – und Sie können als Mitarbeiter Teil dieser Erfolgsgeschichte werden! Besuchen Sie unsere Website www.zf.com und entdecken die Welt von ZF. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Mitarbeitern virtuell ihr Arbeitsumfeld zeigen, und werfen Sie gleich einen Blick in unsere Stellenbörse https://jobs.zf.com/! Imprint: https://www.zf.com/site/meta/de/imprint.html Datenschutzhinweise: bit.ly/3IzSN60

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg
Automotive components and systems, Automotive Safety, E-Mobility, Vehicle Motion Control, Integrated Safety, Automated Driving, Digitalization, Components and Systems for Off-Highway, Components and Systems for Industrial Applications und Software


Beschäftigte von ZF Group


  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    🏆 We did it! 🏆 Together with our partners we’ve delivered 200 GW of ZF technology in #windturbines worldwide! 200 GW of #windpower capacity? That’s the equivalent of 170 000 000 households or 150 000 000 electric vehicles running on renewable energy or… enough renewable energy to keep the London metro system up and running for more than 400 years!!! 💪 💪 💪 A big thank you to all stakeholders #ZFWindPower cooperated with the past 45 years to reach this impressive milestone. #empoweringasustainablefuturetogether #Sustainability #SustainableThursday #ActingNow #ActingForClimateAndNature

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  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    One for more: ZF launches proven cubiX vehicle motion control software for commercial vehicles. As commercial vehicles become more automated, electrified and connected, vehicle motion control technologies are becoming increasingly important in managing ever more complex vehicle systems. ZF’s new advanced motion control system, cubiX, is designed for precisely this purpose. With the launch of cubiX for commercial vehicles, ZF demonstrates how its cross-division technology transfer capabilities enable it to quickly and cost-effectively create solutions for clean, safe and comfortable mobility of the future. #FutureStarter #ToMobilityAndBeyond

    • Great potential for automation
  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    At the Global Technology Day last week in Jeversen (Germany), ZF presented the latest innovations in commercial vehicle technology, but also in the fields decarbonization, chassis, safety and digitalization. In addition to driving solutions for the full electrification of trucks and buses, ZF’s new TraXon 2 Hybrid transmission for heavy commercial vehicles will help to shape the transition to e-mobility and support global CO2 targets. As the number of fully electric vehicle registrations is increasing more slowly than expected, and the demand for electric vehicles is also stagnating in the commercial vehicle sector, ZF is prepared to support the diverse incremental steps and regional variations in demand during the transition. "One of our greatest strengths is our flexibility. For more than 100 years, openness to technology has been part of the DNA of our corporate strategy. This approach continues to pay off," said CEO Dr. Holger Klein. #FutureStarter #ToMobilityAndBeyond

  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    World premiere! At the EUROBIKE Show 2024 bicycle trade fair, ZF will be presenting its new 48-volt drive system for e-bikes for the first time. The ‘ZF Bike Eco System’ includes all drive components such as e-motor, batteries, control units, app and a connection to the cloud. The core component is the ZF ‘CentriX’ drive unit with an ultra-compact mid-motor. “With our CentriX e-bike drive unit, which weighs just 2.5 kilograms and is uniquely compact, we are setting a benchmark in the power class up to 90 Newton meters of torque,” explained Daniel Härter, Head of the Micro Mobility business unit at ZF. “This allows bicycle manufacturers to offer their customers high-performance e-bikes that are similar in weight and appearance to e-bikes with a lightweight support motor.” Read the press release for more information: https://spr.ly/6047gan0x Visit ZF at Eurobike (July 3 to 7, Frankfurt/Main, Germany) at booth A09 in hall 12.1 as well as in the outdoor area F12 I12. #ebike #freedomontwowheels #zfebike #futurestarter

  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    ‼️ World premiere: ZF Annotate uses AI for the development of #ADAS and #AD systems. 👇 🚗 Modern, automated driver assistance systems require a large number of sensors to precisely analyze the vehicle's environment and derive safe driving maneuvers. 🧠 To further advance the development of these ADAS and AD solutions, the technology group has developed the cloud-based and AI-enabled validation service ZF Annotate. 🚀 The service for passenger cars and commercial vehicles is fast, cost-effective and market-ready. 🔗 Learn more: https://spr.ly/6047gIRJd #FutureStarter #AutomatedDriving

    • ZF Annotate is a cloud-based and AI-enabled validation service
  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    In the run-up to the IAA TRANSPORTATION, we traditionally present our latest innovations at the Global Technology Day at our Jeversen test center for commercial vehicle technology. As the quintessence of everything that was presented there, we can proudly call ourselves a pacesetter for the future of transportation and mobility. Three fundamental characteristics are anchored in ZF's DNA that qualify us for this - and thus drive the #transformation for our customers. Firstly, we are very flexible with our broad-based portfolio and in production. In Friedrichshafen and Gray Court, for example, we have put flex systems or flex production lines into operation on which we can also implement our broad, flexible and diversified product range operationally and respond quickly to changing customer requirements. Secondly, we can boast numerous innovations and will continue to invest in research and development. Up to 18 billion euros has been earmarked for this worldwide by the end of 2026. And thirdly, due to the enormous range of segments in which we are active, we can benefit from technology transfers. We develop many new technologies for different market segments right from the start. Whether initially for cars or trucks, for buses, agricultural machinery or other applications in industrial technology: in the end, all segments benefit, as do our customers. We become faster and more efficient - and our customers benefit from a technological advantage that no other supplier on the market can offer. With this approach, we are drawing on a principle from agile software development: develop once, roll out everywhere. This is another reason why we are perceived as a one-stop store in the industry. What is special, however, is that almost everything we were showing at the Global Technology Day will be available now or very soon. Because 2024 is the year of action for ZF! Do you want to learn more? Watch yesterday's press conference: https://spr.ly/6044gLpt2 #FutureStarter #ToMobilityAndBeyond

  • Unternehmensseite von ZF Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.202.904 Follower:innen

    Today ZF presents its innovations in the areas of decarbonization, chassis, safety and digitalization at its Global Technology Day. Under the motto ‘Driving Commercial Vehicle Innovation,’ ZF, as the largest supplier to the commercial vehicles industry, demonstrates how its broad portfolio of solutions for clean, safe and comfortable mobility of tomorrow can be developed quickly and cost-effectively. Whether for passenger cars, commercial vehicles or industrial vehicles, ZF advances mobility through a consistent open-technology approach, flexible production locations, and cross-divisional technology applications. For more details visit https://spr.ly/6043gsq6V #FutureStarter #ToMobilityAndBeyond

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