Agora Industry

Agora Industry


Berlin, BE 1.896 Follower:innen

We develop scientifically sound & politically feasible strategies for a successful pathway to a climate-neutral industry


Agora Industry develops scientifically sound and politically feasible strategies for successful pathways to a climate-neutral industry – in Germany, Europe and internationally. The organisation which is part of the Agora Think Tanks works independently of economic and partisan interests. Its only commitment is to climate action.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
green steel, climate, clean chemicals, low-carbon cement, industrie, hydrogen, green hydrogen, decarbonisation und industry


Beschäftigte von Agora Industry


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    German H2 Policy @ Agora Energiewende

    Wasserstoffimporte sind eine wichtige Säule der Energiewende. Gut, dass es seit heute dafür nun eine eigene Strategie gibt. 📃 Wir haben uns bei Agora Energiewende und Agora Industrie das Thema selbst auch genauer angeschaut... 🔍 Unser Ergebnis: Pipelineimporte an erneuerbarem H2 können 2030 bis 2035 schon wesentlich zum H2-Aufkommen in DE beitragen. ✅ 60 - 100 TWh sind bis 2035 denkbar. Vor allem die windreichen Länder im Norden können gut angebunden werden. Die Distanzen sind kurz und es gibt keine Transitländer. Voraussetzung für alle Importe: 1️⃣ Die Finanzierung der Pipelines muss zwischen den beteiligten Staaten geklärt werden. Die Importstrategie sagt noch nicht konkret genug, wie das gelingen kann. 2️⃣ Die Nachfrage in DE muss gesichert sein, d.h. sie muss in Abnahmeverträge münden. Eine ambitionierte Quote zur Umsetzung der RED III könnte dabei helfen. Resilienz ist ein zentrales Motiv der Importstrategie. Als Absicherung gegen hohe Kosten und für mehr Resilienz sind die Importe von wasserstoffintensiven Vorprodukten, z.B. Eisenschwamm und Ammoniak, eine wichtige Ergänzung. ⚙ Schade, dass die Importstrategie diesen Pfad nicht aufzeigt. ❌ #wasserstoff #bmwk #nachhaltigkeit #energiewende Agora Energiewende Agora Industry

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    How can emission-intensive basic materials such as steel, plastic, aluminium and cement become climate-neutral by 2040? One decisive factor is a strong demand for such climate-neutral goods, which is currently insufficient. In our latest study, we have therefore identified policy instruments to create ‘lead markets’ that can kickstart demand for climate-friendly materials and thus drive the industrial transition towards net zero by bringing multiple benefits to the table. Manufacturers currently face uncertainties about the expected future market of climate-friendly goods. For this to change, the current policy framework needs to be strengthened to encourage investments in climate-friendly production processes, increase demand for low-emission products and enable consumers to make climate-friendly choices. Key measures include clear standards, transparent carbon accounting and reporting requirements, labelling and embodied carbon limits and green public procurement. The ideal policy mix differs depending on the specific end-use sector. End-use sectors such as buildings and infrastructure, packaging and automotive are suitable for scaling climate-friendly lead markets. That’s because 60 percent of the emissions of steel, plastics, cement and aluminium production are linked to materials that go into these end-use sectors. Therefore, they have a large steering effect for transforming industrial production. Using climate-friendly steel or cement doesn’t need to be costly: It would increase the final price of a building or car by only around one to three percent. When more end consumers choose climate-friendly products, this leads to increasing market scale, more competitive production costs and self-reinforcing market growth. In the long run, this can reduce the need for public support for the industrial transition. Download the analysis “Creating markets for climate-friendly basic materials: Potentials and policy options” on our website now. You can find the link in the comments below. #leadmarkets #greenleadmarkets #climatefriendlyproducts #greenindustry #netzero Helen Rolfing Oliver Sartor, PhD. Marie Westhof Julia Metz Eleanor Batilliet

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    📣 Applications are open for Agora’s next training on ‘Powering the transitions: understanding the role of renewable energy, hydrogen and electrification in phasing out fossil fuels.’ The training will take place in two batches on 22-24 October and 29-31 October 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. After participating in the three-day training programme, you will be able to: 💡 Better understand how renewable deployment supports electrification and a renewable hydrogen economy. 🔎 Critically assess opportunities for electrification, renewable hydrogen and potential risks of hydrogen use. 📝 Utilise technological and economic tools to calculate the production and delivery costs of hydrogen. Costs for accommodation are fully covered! Do you think you would be a good fit for our training programme? Learn more about eligibility criteria, the application process and financial support ⬇ #training #energytransition #southeastasia #renewables #opportunity #H2 #GreenH2

    Powering the transition

    Powering the transition

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    Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    ⚗️Where in Europe is the best place to produce green hydrogen? That’s a question many project developers and governments are trying to answer right now, as the continent seeks to ditch fossil fuels and reach net-zero emissions by mid-century. A new tool developed by Agora Industry shows which European regions can be most competitive when deploying additional wind 🌬 and solar 🌞 power facilities for the first wave of renewable hydrogen production by 2030. The Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) map 🗺 shows that windy coastal areas around the North and Baltic Seas and solar-rich regions in Southern Europe could become hotspots for the production of green hydrogen that would then be delivered to off-takers across the continent by pipeline. It’s important to note that the final price of green hydrogen for off-takers is affected by additional factors and will be higher than the projected production costs calculated here. Over time, the costs are also likely to be influenced by the falling price of electrolysers and the growing share of wind and solar in the electricity 🔌 mix, allowing for new business models where hydrogen is produced according to price signals from the power markets. Still, producing hydrogen from renewables will always be more expensive than using the same electricity directly, due to the energy conversion loss from electron to molecule. Whenever possible, the direct use of electricity should therefore be prioritised. 🔎Try the Levelised Cost of Hydrogen tool yourself here: #hydrogen #renewableenergy #energysecurity #climate #industry #Europe Leandro Janke Matthias Deutsch Darlene D'Mello Yu-Chi Chang

    EU map of hydrogen production costs

    EU map of hydrogen production costs

  • Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    ⚗️Where in Europe is the best place to produce green hydrogen? That’s a question many project developers and governments are trying to answer right now, as the continent seeks to ditch fossil fuels and reach net-zero emissions by mid-century. A new tool developed by Agora Industry shows which European regions can be most competitive when deploying additional wind 🌬 and solar 🌞 power facilities for the first wave of renewable hydrogen production by 2030. The Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) map 🗺 shows that windy coastal areas around the North and Baltic Seas and solar-rich regions in Southern Europe could become hotspots for the production of green hydrogen that would then be delivered to off-takers across the continent by pipeline. It’s important to note that the final price of green hydrogen for off-takers is affected by additional factors and will be higher than the projected production costs calculated here. Over time, the costs are also likely to be influenced by the falling price of electrolysers and the growing share of wind and solar in the electricity 🔌 mix, allowing for new business models where hydrogen is produced according to price signals from the power markets. Still, producing hydrogen from renewables will always be more expensive than using the same electricity directly, due to the energy conversion loss from electron to molecule. Whenever possible, the direct use of electricity should therefore be prioritised. 🔎Try the Levelised Cost of Hydrogen tool yourself here: #hydrogen #renewableenergy #energysecurity #climate #industry #Europe Leandro Janke Matthias Deutsch Darlene D'Mello Yu-Chi Chang

    EU map of hydrogen production costs

    EU map of hydrogen production costs

  • Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    Tool update: Renewable hydrogen will play an important role in the just transition towards a net-zero economy. While industrialised economies with high energy demand and low renewable potential require imports of renewable hydrogen and green molecules, countries with high renewable and hydrogen potential could become exporters of green H2 and its derivatives. For countries located in the Global South this offers an opportunity to enhance their socio-economic development and contribute to global decarbonisation.   Our new online tool, the PtX Business Opportunity Analyser (BOA), allows users to calculate the costs of delivering hydrogen and various derivatives, such as green steel, methane, methanol, and ammonia from an export country to an import country. This way, information present in the tool, can serve as the basis for identifying regions with promising business opportunities within the Power-to-X (PtX) value chain and support policymakers in understanding their country's specific PtX cost potentials. The BOA tool has a global scope covering a wide range of potential export and import countries, including a deep dive analysis with greater regional detail for Argentina, Morocco and South Africa.   The first version of the Business Opportunity Analyser was published in June 2023 and designed in cooperation with Oeko-Institut e.V., within the framework of the International Power-to-X Hub. As part of the redesign, it has been transformed into a web application with a significantly enhanced cost calculation methodology.   Explore the PtX Business Opportunity Analyser on our website:   #renewablehydrogen #greenhydrogen #PowertoX #PtX #hydrogeneconomy Emir Çolak

    PtX Business Opportunity Analyser

    PtX Business Opportunity Analyser

  • Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    Join us on Monday for our digital launch event of the Power-to-X (PtX) Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0. Together with experts from Oeko-Institut e.V. we will explore the structure of the new online tool, data, output and other important features, including interactive expert commentaries and a Q&A session. The aim of the tool is to enable users calculating delivery costs of PtX molecules from export to import countries as well as identifying regions with promising business opportunities. 👉 Monday, June 24, 15:00 – 16:30h CEST We look forward to your participation and an interesting discussion! Not registered yet? Then sign up here: #PowertoX #greenhydrogen #netzero #energytransition Micaela Carlino Fundación Torcuato Di Tella Rebecca Maserumule, Ph.D. IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy) Emir Çolak International Power-to-X Hub

    Unveiling the Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 – enhanced cost calculations with system optimisation

    Unveiling the Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 – enhanced cost calculations with system optimisation

  • Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    Boosting European industry’s transition to net-zero emissions and strengthening competitiveness are key topics during the next EU legislative period. Last week, Agora Industry hosted an event in Brussels, looking at how to make the EU Industrial Deal succeed by creating a resilient, sustainable and competitive industrial sector by 2035. Together with representatives from EU institutions, national governments, industry and associations we discussed industrial policy priorities for the next five years, such as creating demand for climate-friendly products and providing certainty for companies investing in cleantech. Our main key take-aways include: 🌱 The European Industrial Deal needs to build on the EU Green Deal, create opportunities for green jobs and ensure investment certainty and long-term competitiveness of industry in Europe. This should be a clear priority for the next European Commission. 🌱 Europe’s economic opportunity lies in clean manufacturing. Speed and sufficient funding are key if Europe is to compete with global economic powers such as China and the United States. 🌱 Consumers need to be on board: Industry and policymakers need to think not just about business customers but about end users and their needs, when defining standards for clean products and encouraging their demand. 🌱 It is critical to design the transition in a socially just way and to make skilled labour and collaboration with businesses and trade unions part of the transition. We would like to thank both the speakers and the audience for their insightful contributions to the discussion. A huge thank you to all who attended in person and online, particularly to panellists: Marco Mensink , Cefic | Judith Kirton-Darling, industriAll Europe | Frank Peter, Agora Industry | Karol Wolff, ORLEN S.A. | Ann Mettler, Breakthrough Energy | Jacek Truszczynski, European Commission | Joanna Pandera PhD, Forum Energii | Annie HeatonResponsibleSteel™ | Alberto Parenti, European Commission | Winston Beck, Heidelberg Materials | Jean-philippe Hermine, IDDRI | Pascal Canfin, MEP, Renew | Matthias BUCK, Agora Energiewende | Marcin Korolec, Institute for Green Economy | Patrick ten Brink, European Environmental Bureau | Frauke Thies, Agora Think Tanks | Céline Kauffmann, IDDRI | Sonja van Renssen, Energy Monitor The recording will be available on our website shortly. To make sure not to miss it, and to receive information about upcoming events and publications, register for our Agora Industry newsletter (link in the comments). #EUGreenDeal #Industrialdeal #industry #industrytransformation #cleantech #cleanmanufacturing Eleanor Batilliet

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  • Unternehmensseite von Agora Industry anzeigen, Grafik

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    Within a net-zero emission economy, hydrogen and Power-to-X (PtX) products will be crucial to decarbonise specific applications that cannot be electrified. Some countries will rely on importing PtX products due to their own limited domestic renewable energy source potential. Others will become exporters of PtX products. Join us for our online launch event presenting our latest tool, the PtX Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0, highlighting key regions for Power-to-X export opportunities and calculates the delivery costs for various molecules. An introduction to the PtX Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 will be followed by interactive commentaries from Micaela Carlino (Fundación Torcuato Di Tella) and Rebecca Maserumule, Ph.D. (IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy) Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy) and a Q&A session. The PtX Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 builds on the previous version, which was designed as an Excel tool. The updated version will be launched as a web application accessible via the Agora Industry website. 📅 When? June 24, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST Register now: #renewablehydrogen #greenhydrogen #PowertoX #Ptx #hydrogeneconomy #netzero Emir Çolak Oeko-Institut e.V. International Power-to-X Hub

    Unveiling the Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 – enhanced cost calculations with system optimisation

    Unveiling the Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 – enhanced cost calculations with system optimisation

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    New online tool: Production of renewable nitrogen fertilisers is still limited. However, they are critical for global efforts to reach net zero, given the size of the fertiliser industry’s production-related emissions. Our new online tool, the Global Green Fertiliser Tracker, looks at projects which manufacture ammonia – a key building block of nitrogen fertilizers – using hydrogen made with renewable energy or biomethane. Currently, the production of hydrogen, and by extension ammonia, relies on fossil fuels such as gas and coal. Eliminating them from the process would decarbonise the production of nitrogen fertiliser and save almost 440 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, approximately one percent of current greenhouse gas emissions.   The Global Green Fertiliser Tracker will be updated regularly to include the latest developments and projects. Explore the online tool here:   #renewablefertiliser #greenfertiliser #greenammonia #industry #netzero Caroline Paul Emir Çolak Matthias Deutsch Frank Peter

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