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European State of the Climate 2022
Welcome to the summary of the European State of the Climate 2022, compiled by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission.

Globe in 2022

The global context is given by the Climate Indicators for which data are available for the majority of the year. These indicators typically build on multi-source or community estimates, leading to a delay in producing final data records, and so not all indicators are covered here.

Globe in 2022


Europe in 2022

Arctic in 2022

Animations & Resources

ESOTC 2022 - Summary

ESOTC 2022 - Temperature

ESOTC 2022 - Drought

ESOTC 2022 - Greenhouse gases

ESOTC 2022 - Greenland heatwaves

ESOTC 2022 - Extreme heat

ESOTC 2022 - Records and key events

Key Climate Events 2022

Summer temperature anomalies over Europe

Summer temperature anomalies over Europe

extreme heat infographic

Extreme heat in southern Europe

drought infographic

Drought in Europe

Greenland temperature infographic

Greenland temperature

Key events infographic

Key events in 2022

ice sheet loss infographic

Loss of ice sheet - Greenland and Antarctica

Climate bulletin

The conditions of the past month are presented, using key climate change indicators. Analysis of the maps and guidance on how they are produced is also provided.

View bulletin

Climate indicators

indicators homepage

Climate Indicators show the long-term evolution of several key variables which are used to assess the global and regional trends of a changing climate.

View indicators