Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund Opportunity 


Opiate Antagonist Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund

Colorado Senate Bill 19-227 created the Opiate Antagonist Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund. It allows eligible entities to purchase opiate antagonists, such as naloxone or Narcan, at low or no cost.

Naloxone Bulk Fund Prioritization Plan

As of May 31, 2024, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) began implementing a prioritization plan to maximize resources so that individuals most at risk of experiencing or witnessing an overdose are prioritized to receive naloxone.

Accessing Naloxone in Colorado


Standing Orders

All eligible entities must have a current standing order in place prior to submitting an application.

Eligible entities

Eligible entities include:

  • Units of local government
    • county,
    • city and county,
    • town,
    • local public health agencies,
    • local improvement district,
    • municipal, quasi-municipal, 
    • or public corporation organized pursuant to law.
  • School districts
  • Harm reduction agencies 
  • Law enforcement 
  • First responders 
  • Religious organizations
  • Community service organizations
  • An Institute of Higher Education
  • Libraries
  • Local jail, municipal jail, multijurisdictional jail
  • Correctional facility
  • Private contract prison
  • Community corrections program
  • Pretrial services program
  • Probation department
  • Mental health professional (psychologist, social worker, marriage or family therapist, licensed professional counselor, psychotherapist, or addiction counselor licensed, registered, and certified).

  Funding goals

The goals of the funding are to:

  • Reduce the financial burden of purchasing naloxone for key partners.
  • Promote public health and safety for Colorado citizens.
  • Increase access to naloxone, which is used to reverse opioid overdoses and save lives.

Resale prohibited
  • Naloxone ordered through the Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund cannot be resold.
Expired naloxone

Use of expired naloxone:

  • According to the Colorado Revised Statute: 13-21-108.7; A person, who acts in good faith to furnish or administer an opiate antagonist, including an expired opiate antagonist, to an individual the person believes to be suffering an opiate-related drug overdose event or to an individual who is in a position to assist the individual at risk of experiencing an opiate-related overdose event is not liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made as a result of the act or for any act or omission made if the opiate antagonist is stolen. 
  • The Overdose Prevention Unit verifies each organization meets eligibility requirements. 
  • The Overdose Prevention Unit is available to provide technical assistance to ensure each entity has the correct training and information to acquire, maintain, and administer opiate antagonists safety. 

The Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund FAQ provides commonly asked questions about naloxone and the bulk purchase fund.

Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund FAQ

Please email cdphe_naloxone@state.co.us with requests for technical assistance.


Review the impact of the fund and data on the number of entities and the amount of naloxone received by each eligible entity through the bulk fund.