Injury prevention


Injury prevention


Child Fatality Prevention System

The Child Fatality Prevention System (CFPS) is a statewide, legislatively mandated, multidisciplinary, multi-agency network to prevent child deaths that includes:

  • Local child fatality review teams
  • Data and information
  • State review team

Communities That Care

Explore information about:

  • The 2023 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey

Excessive alcohol use prevention

Reduce excessive alcohol-related harms through:

  • Data-driven decision making.
  • Increased awareness about the public health impact of excessive alcohol use.
  • Improved collaboration between partners working on prevention.

Motor vehicle safety

Safe roads are important to everyone so we can all enjoy the great things Colorado has to offer. Learn more about motor vehicle safety including:

  • Car seat safety
  • Teen motor vehicle safety
  • Safe, sober and distraction-free driving
  • A variety of resources

Older adult fall prevention

Learn more about the CDC STEADI Program:

  • Clinical guidelines for fall prevention
  • Take charge of your independence by preventing falls
  • Exercise classes proven to help prevent falls
  • A variety of resources

Injury and violence data and epidemiology

Injury and violence data and epidemiology include:

  • Data resources, general injury reports
  • Data on suicide, adult falls
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Motor vehicle
  • Child fatality and abuse
  • Marijuana
  • Sexual violence
  • Infant safe sleep

Overdose prevention

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment receives funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, to address drug overdoses. Learn more about:

  • Naloxone information and bulk fund resources
  • Overdose prevention grants and funding
  • Preventing prescription drug misuse

Reducing infections from injection drug use

The goal of syringe service programs is to reduce harms associated with drug use including injection-related health risks and overdose.

  • List of Colorado syringe access programs and resources for harm reduction

Suicide Prevention

Information and resources for suicide prevention in Colorado.


Community Prevention and Early Intervention (CPEI)

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of CDPHE's Rural Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Program.

  • Analysis is performed to determine if the statute regarding the program is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed.
  • You can provide input into this review.