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Margo Steines Margo Steines
Published on July 12, 2024

7 AI Companies in Singapore to Know

Check out the companies at the forefront of AI innovation in Singapore.

Abel Rodriguez Abel Rodriguez
Updated on July 12, 2024

10 Multinational Companies in Kolkata to Know

These global companies reach across continents and are influential players in their respective industries.

Photo: Shutterstock
Abel Rodriguez Abel Rodriguez
Updated on July 12, 2024

20 Companies in Noida to Know

Noida is integral to the development of the local economy and India’s national reputation at a tech powerhouse. These are the companies making it happen.

Photo: Shutterstock
Archer Chiang Archer Chiang
Updated on July 12, 2024

Company in a Summer Slump? Boost Morale With an AI-Enhanced Gift Program.

Everyone appreciates a thoughtful gift, especially during the slower months. Here’s how you can build an effective, simple gifting program to show your employees they matter.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Margo Steines Margo Steines
Updated on July 12, 2024

32 UK Tech Companies to Know

See how the U.K.’s leading tech companies aim to supply businesses and consumers with innovative products and services.

Photo: Shutterstock
Mae Rice Mae Rice
Updated on July 12, 2024

27 3D Printing Companies to Know

3D printing is an art — and these companies perfect it.

Image: Shutterstock
Editors' Picks
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Celebrated leaders and innovators share insights on the most salient topics in tech.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos
Founder, Executive Chairman and Former CEO at Amazon
Erdem Isbilen
Erdem Isbilen
VOME Quality Leader at Ford Motor Company
Cassie Kozyrkov
Cassie Kozyrkov
Cassie Kozyrkov, Chief decision scientist at Google.
Adam Thomas
Adam Thomas
Adam Thomas, Managing Director at Approaching One
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Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Archer Chiang
Updated on July 12, 2024
Company in a Summer Slump? Boost Morale With an AI-Enhanced Gift Program.
Everyone appreciates a thoughtful gift, especially during the slower months. Here’s how you can build an effective, simple gifting program to show your employees they matter.
Image: Shutterstock
Mae Rice
Updated on July 12, 2024
AI in Real Estate: 29 Companies Defining the Industry
These AI in real estate companies use artificial intelligence to innovate buying, selling and investing in property.
Image: Shutterstock
Mike Thomas
Updated on July 12, 2024
22 Machine Learning in Healthcare Examples
These companies embrace machine learning technology in healthcare.
Image: Shutterstock
Sam Daley
Updated on July 12, 2024
AI in Healthcare: Uses, Examples and Benefits
From faster diagnoses to robot-assisted surgeries, the adoption of AI in healthcare is advancing medical treatment and patient experiences.
Latest on Software Engineering
Photo: Shutterstock
Rose Velazquez
Updated on July 11, 2024
64 Companies Hiring Software Engineers
See which companies are hiring software engineers to collaborate on projects that benefit customers and internal teams.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Akshay Kumar
Updated on July 11, 2024
Top 50 JavaScript Interview Questions With Example Answers
Review these common JavaScript interview questions and answers and practice your coding fundamentals with this guide to ace your next interview.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Reza Lavarian
Updated on July 11, 2024
How to Fix TypeError: ‘List’ Object Is Not Callable in Python
TypeError: ‘list’ object is not callable is an error in Python that’s caused when a list is thrown as if it was a function. Here’s how to fix it.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Mamta Singh
Updated on July 11, 2024
What Is Caching?
Cache (pronounced “cash”) is a type of computing memory used to improve the speed at which we access frequently requested data. Caching improves performance, efficiency and the user experience.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Jayanth Somineni
Updated on July 10, 2024
7 Ways to Remove Duplicates From a JavaScript Array
You often need to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript. Here are seven ways to filter out duplicates from an array and return only the unique values.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Nenad Zaric
Updated on July 10, 2024
How to Prepare Your Engineers for the Wave of Incoming AI-Powered Cyberattacks
AI has given threat actors more options for attacking your systems than ever before. Fortunately, it’s not too late to prepare your engineers for meeting these challenges head-on.
Image: Shutterstock
Kate Heinz
Updated on July 09, 2024
Software Engineer Vs. Programmer: What’s the Difference?
Recruiters need to understand these key differences that set software engineers and programmers apart.
Image: Shutterstock
Brooke Becher
Updated on July 08, 2024
30 Top Engineering Companies to Know
These companies continue to outperform the competition while facing disruptive tech trends head on.
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