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Name Change Policies

IDSA is committed to working with authors who wish to update their name and/or pronouns following article publication and will make such changes upon request. To update their article(s), authors should contact us directly. IDSA will respect authors’ privacy throughout the process and will work with our publisher to:

  • update the metadata associated with the article(s) on our journals’ web platform
  • update the editable, digital versions of the relevant article(s), including any author bio and disclosure statements
  • make the changes without requiring a correction notice, though authors may opt to proceed with one
  • resupply the new metadata and updated article(s) to indexing and discovery services, which may have their own policies regarding such changes.

For name and/or pronoun changes, the journals will not request the approval of coauthors.

During the name change process, our publisher will ask if the author prefers to notify their co-authors or prefers to have the publisher notify co-authors of the change. If the author asks the publisher to notify co-authors, the publisher will not specify the reason for the change.

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