
There is an increasing global burden from chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Bangladesh reported a major epidemic in 2017, however, it was unclear if there had been prior widespread transmission. We conducted a nationally representative seroprevalence survey in 70 randomly selected communities immediately prior to the epidemic. We found 69/2,938 (2.4%) of sampled individuals were seropositive to CHIKV. Being seropositive to dengue virus (aOR 3.13 [95% CIs: 1.86-5.27]), male sex (aOR 0.59 [95% CIs: 0.36-0.99]), and community presence of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (aOR: 1.80, 95% CI: 1.05–3.07) were significantly associated with CHIKV seropositivity. Using a spatial prediction model, we estimated that across the country, 4.99 (95% CI: 4.89 - 5.08) million people had been previously infected. These findings highlight high population susceptibility prior to the major outbreak and that previous outbreaks must have been spatially isolated.

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Author notes

Emily S. Gurley and Henrik Salje joint senior authors

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Supplementary data