
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is widespread globally. Primary prevention is unsuccessful and antimicrobial resistance threatens optimal management. There is no specific vaccine and natural infection studies show that N. gonorrhoeae can avoid and suppress immune responses. In addition to extensive variation in expression and specificity of many gonococcal surface antigens, it induces a robust inflammatory response through the Th17 pathway with a large influx of neutrophils and inflammatory cytokines but evades macrophages. The Th1- and Th2-mediated response is suppressed, resulting in low, short-lived antibody titers. Real-world evidence suggests that gonorrhea cases are reduced among recipients of N. meningitidis group B vaccines containing outer membrane vesicles (OMV). Although the first randomized trial of an OMV-containing MenB vaccine against N. gonorrhoeae infection did not show statistically significant vaccine efficacy, ongoing trials might shed further light. Several candidate vaccine antigens for a gonococcal-specific vaccine are being evaluated preclinically but only one has reached clinical trials.

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Current affiliation: Mariagrazia Pizza, Imperial College, South Kensington, London, UK

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