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Questions tagged [thesis]

Questions related to initiation, preparation, editing and presentation of a research thesis. A Thesis is a long research report including personal research conclusions and outputs. A Thesis must include personal research and the proper citations from other publications in the research topic.

-4 votes
0 answers

PhD in Biblical Archaeology [duplicate]

What is the appropriate way to ask experts in the field of Biblical Archaeology in Europe about the best topics for doctoral research in this field? Thank you for your help.
Ian's user avatar
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-3 votes
0 answers

Ideas or topics for a PhD in Biblical Archaeology [closed]

I would like to ask what worthwhile topics can be studied in Biblical Archaeology for a PhD in Europe, please. I have a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Theology, and I am now finishing a PhD in ...
Ian's user avatar
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-1 votes
0 answers

Best survey tools for an on-line study [closed]

I am conducting an on-line study and was wondering what the best recruitment tools are available?
Terry Quinn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

An article containing a copyrighted figure should be embedded in a stapler thesis: How to fill in RightsLink form?

I wrote an Elsevier article (open-access, CC-BY 4.0) that contains a third party figure from a Springer subscription book. At the time, I obtained a license for re-using the Springer figure in a ...
platypus005's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to find the Ph.D. thesis of Sir Roger Penrose? [duplicate]

I am currently writing my Ph.D. thesis. I like to take inspiration from the writing of people I have admired my whole student life. The idea is to take inspiration from how people wrote many ...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How do I lower the similarity index percentage in iThenticate?

I have run into a situation where a "plagiarism detection software" (I believe the one being used is called iThenticate) is showing 31 % similarity index for my document. In the list at the ...
user13267's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Help with my bachelor's thesis [closed]

My bachelor's thesis is a research one. I am solving a specific problem using my ideas, combined with an existing approach, method, and the results are original. My supervisor doesn't know what to say ...
Student's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Redacting third-party figure in journal article before including in thesis?

I have included a third-party figure (from a Springer subscription book) in an open-access Elsevier article (CC-BY 4.0 license). At the time, I obtained permission via RightsLink and included the ...
platypus005's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What to do if you disagree with a juror during master's thesis defense?

I attended a master's dissertation defense and I was wondering what one might do in a situation like this. Juror: What do you mean by the phrase “previous work” in your thesis text? Is it your ...
Ait-Gacem Nabil's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Statement of Contribution in Dissertation

I'm currently writing my PhD dissertation and I need to fill out the statement of declaration page. This page declares my contribution to my published papers, which are coauthored with my supervisor ...
mathemania's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Publishing parts of my thesis under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License in journals

I am about to electronically "publish" my PhD thesis under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Some chapters will eventually be published in journals, and I am wondering if that type ...
BitterDecoction's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

How can I help a PhD student who's dead-set on keeping methodologically wrong results?

I am helping a STEM PhD student with a statistical approach they developed for a key thesis chapter. Unfortunately, the approach is fundamentally flawed and makes no statistical sense. (I'm a ...
schrödingcöder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to prepare to talk with my advisor about concluding our relationship before the defense?

I'm in the last semester of my PhD program and trying to pull together my dissertation, which has not been going well for the past 2 years. I shoulder most of the responsibility for this situation, ...
user188386's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What section of PhD thesis should my standpoint be in? [closed]

My research is at the intersection of technology and autism (but it's mostly technology focused). I'm approaching things from a particular standpoint of autism (i.e. neuroafirmative, neurocosmopolitan,...
SOB's user avatar
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15 votes
11 answers

What should I do with my 60 page undergraduate thesis?

I recently finished my undergraduate thesis in philosophy. It came out to about 60 pages/16,000 words. Now that I'm done, I'm wondering what I should do with it - if I should send it somewhere for ...
Canada Philosophy 's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How can I build a research profile now?

I'm gutted. I recently graduated with a non-thesis Masters degree and always wanted to do a PhD or at least a Masters thesis. I approached several professors to convert to thesis but it never worked ...
blazingcannon's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What should I do if I messed up my pre-thesis project and I just want to end it as soon as possible and switch a group for master thesis?

I am currently part of a research group where members work on a wide range of topics, from nuclear model calculations to quantum entanglement SPDC. Our professor has a laid-back approach and likes to ...
SamuelNgo's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Can I cite the results from my unpublished manuscript which is included in my PhD thesis?

My PhD thesis is manuscript-based, and I have 3 manuscripts (unpublished), included as 3 chapters into the thsis. The data analysis of my 3rd manuscript is mostly based on the results of the previous ...
YYM17's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Anxiety before PhD thesis submission. Can reviewers send it back?

I'm in the very last stage of my PhD journey. I'm aiming to submit the thesis next month (June 2024). However, I'm feeling quite nervous and having lots of self-doubts. So basically, I sent my first ...
Henry's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

In which section to introduce control variables in thesis?

In a master's thesis in psychology, in which section should I introduce the control variables used in analyses? The rationale for the inclusion of control variables in my study was based on prior ...
Madamadam's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

I handed in my physical copies of my PhD thesis too late (Germany) - what are my options? [closed]

I am an international student who started my PhD program in 2014 in Germany. I defended my thesis in fall 2021, after having moved to a different country while writing my thesis. After the defense, I ...
Anon Question's user avatar
1 vote
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Is re-implementation of a method in another setting enough for a master thesis, especially when you didn't know that the method existed [closed]

so I am currently writing my master's thesis, where I developed a new method on how to develop a "new" type of digital circuit. I am currently done with the implementation and getting the ...
Robin Solheim's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Master Thesis Positions in Germany without University Affiliations

I live in Germany and want to pursue a PhD degree in Biology/Bioinformatics/.... I already have a Master's degree from outside the EU. However, it did not have a thesis or a research component. I do ...
mjalajel's user avatar
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0 votes
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How do I systematically identify and select literature?

I want to do a content analysis on particular content published in current textbooks in my discipline specific to my country. For example, Canadian political science textbooks. I’m not sure how to ...
Ryser's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Capitalize the name of software library in the heading or not?

I am writing a thesis in Computer Science. I want to have a chapter there about technologies used, with sections on different packages and libraries I used. (It is quite standard to have a structure ...
hojkas's user avatar
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0 votes
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Post-hoc changes of master thesis

This is a follow-up question linked to my previous question. Does anyone have experience with post-hoc changes to a master thesis i.e. proofreading it and changing the publicly available version after ...
BrajkovicM's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

I have a really bad publicly available master thesis

I have a really bad master thesis that's publicly available. I ran out of time and submitted it without proofreading it. Now it's publicly available and it has a lot of grammatical mistakes, ...
BrajkovicM's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does my colleague, a PhD in anthropology and religious studies in a German public university, have to pay a publisher to publish her PhD thesis?

I've a colleague who's pursuing her PhD in anthropology and religious studies in a German public university, having one of her advisor there and another advisor from another public university in ...
Science Man's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Is it acceptable to not give someone credit in a math thesis for minor guidance?

This question is related to this question. If I write a thesis and encounter a small problem that I can't resolve on my own, maybe because I didn't sleep well this day, and someone, like my mother or ...
Perelman's user avatar
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8 votes
11 answers

Can someone be awarded the title of doctor without having been a doctoral student?

I'm just still a student, and the question doesn't concern me, but I'm really curious about the answer. In class, during a break, our assistant was discussing with us (the students) the research that ...
Foxy's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Why is it inappropriate to compare computer languages with natural languages in a Bachelor thesis about an assembler and emulator? [closed]

In a manuscript of my Bachelor thesis (about a PicoBlaze assembler and emulator), I made a few statements I was forced (by my mentor) to delete. These include: I was explaining what the parser (a ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

Will writing a thesis in MS Word or LaTeX impact my future career?

I wonder what is the trend or reaction of academia towards writing a thesis in MS Word. I am in the process of finalizing my PhD thesis, which is in MS Word for now. I am equally proficient in both ...
Naveed Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

"All Rights Reserved" is the same as "Copyright"

In my dissertation I have mentioned Copyright © 2023 , [My Name]. All Rights Reserved. In order to upload it on the HAL Thèses website (belonging to the French government), I shoild choose a license ...
Questioner's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mentioning researcher unrelated to institution I'm applying for in motivation letter

I am writing a motivation letter for a scholarship to fund my MS thesis project at university X. However, my research interests are inspired by the work of a researcher working at a completely ...
Mattia's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Copyright for PhD Thesis? [closed]

Which of the following copyrights is most suitable for a PhD thesis and how do each of them restrict the use of the ideas presented in the thesis? 1. Copyright © [Year], [My Name]. All Rights Reserved....
Questioner's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Does it matter who your thesis examiner is?

I am a MS (research) student and recently finished writing my thesis. I have put a lot of time into it and tried to make it explanatory. At my institute, the advisor names five external tutors to ...
Young Kindaichi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Master's thesis on uninteresting topic not really related to my background

I have started a master thesis in applied mathematics with the aim of studying a paper of my supervisor. This paper uses some "basic" results of a theory (semi algebraic geometry i.e. SAG) ...
G2MWF's user avatar
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1 answer

Institution wide style guides for theses - rationale and context

Under this answer here on Academia StackExchange, Xander Henderson and I observed that there seems to be a large difference between the United States and, for instance, Germany regarding how specific ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Organisation of a math thesis

Do you think it's appropriate to introduce notational aspects right after presenting the main topic in the introductory section of your thesis? Personally, I prefer not to include notations in an ...
Perelman's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Do German company sponsored Ph.D. students deserve the Ph.D. title? [closed]

Do German company-sponsored Ph.D. students deserve the Ph.D. title? I recently came across a post on social media that there's a BMW employee who got accepted to the BMW Ph.D. Program Promotion. So ...
SayMyNameHeisenberg's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Structuring Cumulative Dissertation "Framework" Chapter

I have completed all the requirements of my PhD and I will now write the accompanying "framework" chapter. I am at a German University, and my work is on political science. According to my ...
borracho's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Writing a B.Sc. thesis with only failed results

I'm writing my B.Sc thesis about analysing coin cell batteries that I made by hand. Most of them give off voltage when I test them with a multimeter, but when I try to do a formation cycle I get bad ...
Markus's user avatar
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2 votes
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Uploading PhD dissertation to ResearchGate [closed]

My PhD dissertation has already been uploaded to the HAL Theses website. Would it be beneficial to also upload it to ResearchGate?
Questioner's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How important is the grade of your Maths PhD thesis if you want to stay in academia?

I would like to ask if there are people out there having made experiences regarding the following quesion: Assume you would like to stay in academia. How important is the final grade of your Maths PhD ...
Stein Chen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

MSc Thesis supervisor wants to push paper to conferences, yet is super obscure on the topic, he just wants to rush

My supervisor pitched this idea of working on this "sms abuse" paper, he claims it will be a "breakthrough" and no one has publish something like this before. He wants me to ...
NickNameNick's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Impact of master's thesis grade on PhD chances

I am a master's student in physics currently writing my master's thesis. I have been working for quite a while on this thesis because of various issues during the last 2 years. I handed in my draft to ...
Photonick's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

I am a bit confused about the thesis i am working on. I just started my research and realized that i have no idea how to publish it

I am a student who's highest academic achievement so far is high school degree. Infact I am not even a university student yet (I will be in few months though). I am working on a thesis that is related ...
user185552's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Should I include repeated code in my thesis appendix?

I'm writing up my PhD thesis and I'm not sure about the inclusion of some of the code I have written. I have a number of MATLAB scripts that I have included in the Appendix. The issue is that I have ...
ChrisD91's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How to deal with an absentee advisor who is unreachable when trying to set up thesis defense

I'm a fifth year PhD student, which is the average year a student in my department graduates. For the majority of my time in my PhD program I've had an absentee advisor. He doesn't respond to emails ...
yelomalo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is 10 pages too long for a research methodology chapter?

First, some background: I'm currently doing a PhD/Doctorate in social sciences/education field. Usually, theses in my country (Algeria) do not justify the research paradigm nor mention the ...
Touf Gh's user avatar
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