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Questions tagged [all-but-dissertation]

"All but dissertation" (ABD) is an unofficial stage in the process of doctoral study at which the student has completed the coursework and other early milestones (such as the qualifying exam) but has not yet submitted a completed dissertation.

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First week of research internship. Imposter's syndrome and difficulty with adjustment. What are the differences between RA work and research jobs?

I'm a 4th (soon to be 4.5) year Ph.D student in Experimental Psychology who recently started an internship this week. This internship only admitted 10% of applicants. I am also one of the half in my ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How should I discuss the idea of a 6th year with my PhD advisor?

I am a PhD student in mathematics, finishing up my 4th year. I am meeting with my advisor early next week, and we will discuss my plan for next year (my 5th year). I see my plan as depending on ...
xion3582's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Structuring Cumulative Dissertation "Framework" Chapter

I have completed all the requirements of my PhD and I will now write the accompanying "framework" chapter. I am at a German University, and my work is on political science. According to my ...
borracho's user avatar
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Made potentially unauthorized copies or adaptations of copyrighted test material. Can I keep the data I have collected for my dissertation?

I am a fourth year doctoral candidate in Experimental Psychology who recently finished data collection for my dissertation. I recently discovered something that may be a potential issue, but I am not ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
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After switching PhD supervisor, can I get credit for the work I did?

My PhD supervisor abandoned me after 1 year. I did a massive amount of work, but now cannot continue working on that project anymore. The supervisor cut all ties with me and there is no turning back, ...
PPenton's user avatar
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ABD candidate who developed cognitive deficits. Current functioning level is "borderline" with average intelligence. Is there a way to navigate this?

I'm a fourth year neurodivergent doctoral candidate who is also an instructor for this academic year (one year contract). I have had a tendency to make a fair amount of posts related to my struggles (...
zzmondo1's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How to list an ABD PhD when I also have a second, defended, PhD

I have started and completed 4 years in a theoretical physics PhD program. I was ABD ("all but dissertation") and have published a couple of papers on that topic and been employed in a ...
story_without_a_title's user avatar
8 votes
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How to deal with ABD misrepresenting self as Dr [closed]

I supervise an employee who insists on being called Dr. in emails and on social media, but is ABD (all but dissertation) from about a decade ago. How have people handled such situations? I was ...
user131371's user avatar
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Can you transfer universities after successfully passing qualifying exams and begin with ABD status at the new university?

If a PhD student were to transfer universities after completing Course requirements Qualifying exams but not yet started a dissertation, could the student start at a new university with ABD status? ...
Kevin Miller's user avatar
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Large table formatting ideas in dissertation

I have a quite large table (45 columns x 15 rows). Columns include comparisons groups and each row represents a measure. I can only think about putting the table on multiple pages but this does not ...
qw45ty's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

PhDc - how long can you use it if it has not been completed?

Many things came up during my PhD program, including personal and a horrible committee chair after two of mine left for other schools. I completed all my coursework, successfully completed my comps, ...
BRNPHDc's user avatar
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Will I be competitive for college teaching jobs if I quit ABD?

I'm looking at quitting my PhD (4.5 years in) in engineering in the U.S at an R1. My advisor and I tried a new tack after I broached quitting this Spring, but I'm concerned that things aren't ...
4AndAHalfYearsLater's user avatar
6 votes
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Failed my BEng dissertation in a computer/electronics related field twice, how do I move forward?

I went to university to study a degree which has computer software and hardware elements to it. I didn't do badly in my normal modules at all, I never got below a 2:1 grade in any module, and some of ...
Hugh's user avatar
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Applying ABD: mentioning defense date and thesis committee, but still waiting on a publication

The job description (UK) says I need a doctorate. I have a paper under review that I think has a 90% chance of acceptance based on the reviews. If my paper is accepted, I'll be able to graduate before ...
ABD_wants_a_job's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Progress to Ph.D. delayed due to COVID-19: How to convince advisor to let me finish degree without taking an extra year?

UPDATE: I completed all data collection and writing for my dissertation and have my defense scheduled for next month (January 2022). I also still received satisfactory progress and funding. Several ...
angrybarney's user avatar

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