Greenspace Strategic Plan

Parks and greenspaces are essential to our health and well-being – they help us live active lives and connect with nature and each other. 

As Vaughan grows, it's critical that we continue to build, maintain and enhance our system of greenspaces to meet the needs of a growing population and preserve this cherished natural resource.

Greenspace Plan

The term “greenspaces” refers to a variety of outdoor recreational spaces that residents may use to get exercise, connect with nature, relax or socialize with others. These spaces may be big or small – from your neighbourhood park, to trails like the Bartley Smith Greenway or larger regional parks like North Maple Regional Park, to woodlots.


To ensure residents have equitable access to greenspace, the City of Vaughan is undertaking a study called the Greenspace Strategic Plan. The plan will evaluate the current state of Vaughan’s local parks and greenspaces, and provide strategies and recommendations to guide future planning, design, implementation and management of our greenspaces. 


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