Wellness Workshops are designed to help students develop new skills that enhance personal, academic, and social well-being. They differ from CWS Groups in that they are more focused on skill acquisition and are only one to four sessions in duration. Please see the descriptions below for particular workshop lengths. Wellness Workshops are an excellent option for students as a part of the integrative treatment model of Counseling and Wellness Services at NYU.

Icons showing three chat bubbles representing talking, listening, and thinking.

Join a Wellness Workshop

To join a Wellness Workshop, please call Counseling and Wellness Services at (212) 998-4780. The workshop leader will send you the Zoom meeting info prior to the start time.

Wellness Workshops are held virtually and are open to all students, including those residing out of state/country.

When attending our virtual workshops, we ask that you find a private space to attend and turn your camera on in order to receive the best therapeutic effect. If you are in need of a private space to attend the workshop, you can use a space at 726 Broadway, Suite 471 by calling 212-998-4780.

For Additional Information

Contact Genny Cuocci, LCSW, CASAC, at (212) 992-5678 or gc914@nyu.edu.

Summer 2024 Wellness Workshops

The following workshops will be offered for Summer 2024. All workshops are held virtually unless otherwise noted. Please call 212-998-4780 or email gc914@nyu.edu to sign up for our workshops.

Jump to a Topic:



First and third Mondays of the month, 2pm-3pm
"I'll do it tomorrow." How many times have you said that in the past week? Procrastination affects us all and can be a hard pattern to change. This one session module helps to identify areas of procrastination, the challenges we face, and teaches ways to set our goals not for tomorrow but today.

Time Management

First and second Tuesdays of the month, 3pm-4pm
Get a grip on time. Time management is one of the biggest challenges students face. This workshop addresses some of the primary hurdles to good time management, and offers tips and solutions for using time more effectively. It has two sessions and students are encouraged to sign up for both sessions.

ADHD Coaching: Intro to Executive Functioning Skills

Tuesdays, 4pm-5pm
This workshop provides practical interventions that target the core areas of interest for students diagnosed with ADHD or who have ADHD-like symptoms, such as planning, time management, goal setting, organization, and problem solving.  Skills covered in this workshop are intended to assist you in identifying where you are now, where you want to be, and how you can get there.  Skills covered in this workshop may assist you in: maintaining focus to achieve identified goals; translating abstract goals into concrete actions; building motivation and finding ways to use abstract rewards effectively.



First and second Wednesdays of the month, 3pm-4pm
The practice of mindfulness can help promote resilience, improved stress management, and compassion for self and others. This workshop allows students to learn and practice a variety of mindfulness techniques as a means to promote good health of mind, body and spirit and meet the challenges of uncertain times.

Breaking the Loop: Mindfulness for Habit Change

Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 3pm-4pm
Are you hooked into repetitive behaviors that are not aligned with your values and personal goals? These behaviors may include addictive behaviors such as social media habits, binge watching TV, avoidance, and using substances. This twice monthly workshop is designed to build awareness and give individuals options to replace  unhelpful behaviors. It will expand your ability to cope and respond creatively to everyday stressors by teaching mindfulness practices and other DBT skills.

Write It Out

Wednesdays, 1pm-2pm
This workshop will provide students with a number of writing exercises to facilitate self-awareness, mindfulness and general well-being through the use of poetry and prompts for journaling.

Health and Wellness

Navigating Healthy Dating Relationships

Wednesdays, 9am-10am (only running in August)
Even the healthiest of relationships take work and skills. Whether you’re already in a dating relationship, recently exited one, or are hoping to begin dating soon, this workshop will help you recognize the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships, learn skills for improved communication and conflict resolution and provide strategies for setting boundaries with your partner. Students can attend any one or more of the four sessions during the month. The topic for each session is listed below:

  • Session 1: Healthy, Unhealthy and Abusive Relationships.
  • Session 2: Building Effective Communication Skills and Navigating Conflict
  • Session 3: Setting, Implementing and Honoring Boundaries
  • Session 4: Fostering Different Types of Intimacy - focusing on physical intimacy, exploring consent, relationship models and kinks

Sweet Dreams: Sleep Hygiene Workshop

Tuesdays, 1pm-2pm
This workshop will help students learn ways to practice healthy sleep hygiene and
improve sleep quality.

Understanding Trauma

First four Thursdays of each month, 2pm-3pm
This four-session workshop is designed to provide you with a better understanding of what trauma is, and the ways in which trauma impacts your body, mind, behaviors and relationships. This workshop can also help students identify various options for treating trauma.

The EVERYbody Project

Fridays, July 12th - July 26th, 2pm-3:30pm - IN PERSON
Want to learn to confront unrealistic beauty standards and develop a healthier body image? If so, the EVERYbody Project is for you. The EVERYbody Project is a 3-session workshop designed to help college students find ways to resist the pressure to fit societal appearance ideals. As the name of the workshop suggests, the EVERYbody Project is targeted toward every type of body. This means that students of all gender identities, ethnicities, sizes, and ability statuses are welcome to join the workshop. The EVERYbody Project will be held on November 3rd, 10th, and 17th from 2pm-3:30pm. To get the most out of the workshop, students should attend all three sessions because each session builds on the previous session.

Emotion Regulation

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Life Skills: Cultivate Your Emotional Resiliency

Mondays, 4pm-5pm; Tuesdays, 4pm-5pm; Wednesdays, 9am-10am; Thursdays, 9am-10am; OR Fridays, 2pm-3pm
Learning to be in charge of your emotional life is one of the most satisfying, empowering skills you can learn as a person. This workshop will teach you the nuts and bolts of the art and science of emotional regulation & resiliency. In four sessions, students will learn about

  • Session 1: Mindfulness - Learn the Art of Being Present
  • Session 2: Interpersonal Effectiveness - Social Skills for Conflicts
  • Session 3: Emotional Regulation - How to Plan for Emotional Wellness
  • Session 4: Distress Tolerance - Manage your Emotional Temperature

These courses run year-round, with each of the four topic areas recycling every month. Students may attend one section, or all four.

Coping with Stress

Tuesdays, 4pm-5pm
Stress, in some shape or form, is something we all, collectively, experience. Daily stressors (transportation delays,  exams, etc) and/or global stressors ( international issues, environmental concerns, racial tensions, political unrest, etc), can sometimes affect us in more ways than we realize. This workshop, therefore, aims to equip you with a more holistic view of stress to, importantly, strengthen how you understand, relate to, and proactively manage stressors in your life.


API Student Support Space

Fridays, 2pm-3pm
This workshop is open to API (Asian and Pacific Islander identified) students and those students impacted by anti-Asian violence and microaggression. Participants will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

International Student Support Space

Wednesdays, 4pm-5pm
Are you distressed about adjusting to a New Culture and staying engaged and connected at NYU during uncertain times? This workshop is open to all international and study abroad NYU Students interested in support around cultural adjustment and building coping strategies to manage acculturative distress. Topics will include challenges in communication and building connections remotely and in-person, social isolation and homesickness, academic distress, and self-care for international students.

Financial Stress & Classism Based Trauma

First and third Tuesdays of the month, 9am-10am
This workshop is to provide students with a safe place to discuss the impact of financial distress on your mental health. Topics will include psychoeducation surrounding Classism Based Trauma, difficulty in money management, and frustrations with budgeting. In addition, sharing resources that are available at NYU and the greater New York City area. Students will have the opportunity to learn from a mental health professional, ask questions, and also get support from other students who may be attending the workshop.

More Counseling Options