When submitting complaints to regulatory bodies, there are different avenues for students completing their NYU education in New York State and those completing their NYU education outside of New York State through distance education (e.g. online courses or programs).

Important Note


This page is for students who have already attempted to resolve their complaints by contacting NYU internal offices (including school offices).

Students from New York State

New York University students who have complaints that have not otherwise been resolved through contact with NYU internal offices (including school offices) may seek advisement from the appropriate office in the student's state of residence, listed below.

Should a complaint not be resolved through processes and protocols defined by New York University or the student’s state of residence, the email address for NYU’s regional accreditor (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) is provided below (note: New York University does not maintain the state and territory websites, and information may change without NYU’s knowledge).

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (267) 284-5011
E-mail: info@msche.org

Complaint Process for Out-of-State Students Regarding Distance Education Programs

New York University distance education students based outside of New York State who have a consumer-protection-based complaint regarding a distance education program should first seek to resolve such a complaint within the NYU school in which the student is registered. Note that complaints regarding grades and general student conduct issues are not governed by this distance education complaint process.

Consumer-protection-based complaints should be made during the semester of occurrence, but must be made no later than the last day of the following academic semester.

The school offering the relevant distance courses or degree program will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within fifteen (15) days. If the student’s attempt at resolution within the student’s school is unsuccessful, the student may appeal the school’s decision regarding the student’s complaint to the NYU Vice Provost for Educational Technologies at vp_edtech@nyu.edu within fifteen (15) days of being informed of the decision. A decision on the appeal will be issued within sixty (60) days with any proposed remedy, where applicable.

Please note that anonymous complaints will not be addressed through this process.

Students in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) states

If attempts to resolve the complaint and a subsequent appeal are unsatisfactory, a student residing in a SARA state may appeal the complaint to the SARA state portal entity in New York within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made.

Information regarding how to file a complaint with New York can be found on the New York State Education Department complaint website here.

For more information, please see the NC-SARA Student Complaints webpage.

Non-SARA State Contact Information

For students enrolled outside of New York state and in a non-SARA state or territory, the contact information for your agency is listed below (note: New York University does not maintain the state and territory websites, and information may change without New York University’s knowledge).