File Management and Storage

RIT manages highly-secure data and file storage solutions for NYU faculty and researchers in addition to the NYU Drive and NYU Box services. for mroe information on storage options, see the File Storage Services Comparison chart.

HPC and Research Data Storage

NYU offers several options for storing and working with the very large data sets associated with high performance computing.

Globus Data Transfer Node

Globus is a tool that enables fast data transfers of large data sets over large distances

HPC Research Project Space

HPC Research Project Space (RPS) provides a user-specified amount of persistent storage and number of inodes for data related to computing work carried out on the HPC clusters.

Research Cloud

Research Cloud uses cloud-based infrastructure, storage, and platforms to manage High Performance Computing workloads on public cloud platforms.

Research Workspace (Mountable Data Storage)

Research Workspace provides centrally-housed storage that can be mounted locally, enabling users to access and share large data sets from their desktops and lab workstations. It is intended for the use of research projects that depend on high-capacity data storage that can be accessed reliably, offers dependable backups, administrative control by the client over the access of collaborators, and can serve as a workspace for ongoing analysis.

Secure Research Data Environments (SRDE)

Secure Research Data Environments (SRDE) provide a space for researchers to design and build secure, scalable, and resilient environments to store, share, and analyze moderate and high-risk data.

Spatial Data Repository

The Spatial Data Repository stores and provides access to spatial data. The service includes a GIS website outlining services and links to spatial data resources in the collection.

UltraViolet Repository

The UltraViolet Repository service provides NYU faculty, students, and researchers with a place to deposit scholarly materials for open access publishing and long-term preservation. A particular focus is on the deposit of datasets and software. By default, material deposited will be openly accessible under the provisions of a license selected by the depositor and made available for download worldwide over the Web.