Did you know?

Green buildings are good for the environment and for your health. Medical studies show that cognitive function doubles in offices and indoor spaces with better air quality. People spend over 90% of their time indoors and at NYU New York, our buildings account for the vast majority of our greenhouse gas emissions. So improving the sustainability of our buildings not only saves energy, carbon, and money, but it also means a healthier campus community.

More information:

  • Climate Action Plan - Read up on NYU’s progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Better Buildings - Learn about our LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified projects, such as buildings or renovated spaces.

Green Your Workspace

Familiarize yourself with sustainability programs and policies. The actions you take help contribute to a healthier, more sustainable NYU.

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Green Workplace Programs and Resources

Policies and Standard

Get Involved

Help shape a healthier, more sustainable future for NYU and beyond.

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Connect with the Office of Sustainability

Participate in a Program

  • Events - Attend a sustainability event and participate in annual traditions.
  • Green Grants - Apply for up to $20,000 to advance sustainability at NYU.  

Live NYUGreen

At NYU and in New York City, there are many opportunities to adopt a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. By taking these actions you’ll not only help NYU meet its sustainability goals, but promote wellness, build community, and save money, too.  

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  • Get moving - Stroll through one of NYU’s green spaces, explore the city by bike, and consider taking the stairs if you can to alleviate elevator congestion. These are all sustainability measures that also improve your physical and mental health.
  • Eat well - NYU’s dining service provider is committed to serving food that is good for you and the environment. By signing the Coolfood Pledge, NYU will reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030, which means you get healthier, more plant-based meals from dining facilities and catering across the New York, Shanghai, and Abu Dhabi campuses.
  • Clean green - Traditional cleansers are toxic for the environment and health. NYU’s Green Cleaning policy ensures CBS uses sustainable products when cleaning building spaces. You can opt for greener alternatives to clean your personal desk and pantry.

Reduce waste

  • Reuse - NYU does not distribute single-use plastic water bottles, bags, and straws. So, make sure to take reusables like a water bottle, bag, or utensil set with you on the go! NYUGreen reusable bags and utensils are regularly available at Office of Sustainability events and programs. In your office, store a set of reusable dishes and cutlery.
  • Go paperless - avoid print-outs for classes and in-person meetings and use programs like DocuSign whenever possible.
  • Compost - Avoid food waste and bring your food scraps to a local drop-off site or to an NYU compost bin in a dining hall or Kimmel.
  • Recycle - Make sure to recycle and recycle properly, consulting bin signage and the waste website.

Save energy

NYU’s Tech and Sustainability guidelines are to ensure best energy-saving practices for on-campus spaces.

  • Reduce equipment - Use only one laptop and one monitor, a software based phone instead of powering a desk phone, and print on a shared device only when necessary.
  • Power down - Turn off lights and power down electronics when they are not in use.
  • Be efficient - Configure your computer/laptop to enter low-power sleep mode after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Travel and Conferences

  • Travel less - Reduce work-related travel by prioritizing cost-effective and low-carbon alternatives like video conferencing, carpooling, and taking the train. To decide whether or not to travel, consult the air travel flowchart.
  • Take the train - Travel only by train for necessary trips to cities in the Northeast Corridor (Richmond to Boston) or between cities within four hours travel-time.
  • Green your commute - Choose the lowest-carbon option when possible (bike, train, ferry, shuttle).