Set up the IT services you'll need as a new NYU employee

Below, you'll find the essential steps to take before you arrive—and during your first days—to ensure you can hit the ground running. This is not all of the NYU IT services that may be useful, so once you've settled in, check out the Staff Tech Guide for more.

This reference applies to setting up general NYU IT technical services. It is not a comprehensive guide for onboarding at NYU nor does it cover specialized technology you may use as part of your job. See the Employee Onboarding site for detailed information about working at NYU. If you have local IT support or an office manager, they can also assist you.

On this page: Before your first day: Activate your NetID and Enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication | Get you NYU Email | Review NYU cybersecurity practices | During your first week: Set up your workspace and computer | Get your cybersecurity tools | Review NYU policies

Before your first day

Access to some services may be dependent upon the timeline of your business unit or school. Not all services below may be available for all new employees at the same time. For the most accurate activation dates, please speak with your hiring manager.

1. Visit the NYU Start Page to activate your NYU NetID and enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication

The NYU Start page is the front door to managing many aspects of your main NYU account.

Specialized Accounts and Enhanced Security

Some employees may have access to specialized services and accounts that require additional login credentials. Your supervisor or administrative assistant will work with you to complete set-up of these accounts.

2. Get your NYU Email

3. Review NYU cybersecurity practices

Good cybersecurity habits are essential for everyone at NYU, but they are especially important for employees, who often have greater access to data and systems and as a result are frequent targets of cyberattacks.

During your first week

Once you arrive for your first day of work, you can complete some essential final steps in setting up and customizing your IT services.

Although NYU IT often assists in the process, it doesn't directly handle distribution of office equipment. Your supervisor or administrative assistant will help you procure necessary equipment. We do have a set of Tech Standards to assist in making decisions about computers and mobile devices.  

1. Set up your workspace and computer

2. Get your cybersecurity tools

3. Review NYU policies regarding technology

Regardless of your position, every NYU employee interacts in some way with technology and data on a daily basis. There are a number of policies regarding the responsible use of University technology and data.

Some key policies that apply to everyone at NYU that you should review as early as possible include:

Important IT Resources