workplace wellness illustrations

The Work Life office focuses on creating a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health by providing resources, events, trainings, peer groups, and specialized initiatives throughout the year. Wellness can be cultivated on several levels, and each one plays an integral role in our overall well-being. Our mission is to promote a progressive work environment where employees feel empowered to prioritize mental health.

Learn about our new Caring Culture Grants!

Individual Wellness

Caring for ourselves often falls to the bottom of our to-do lists, but workplace well-being starts with putting yourself and your health first. Individual wellness can look many different ways, whether that's getting enough sleep, prioritizing some alone time each day, incorporating healthy remote work practices, or finding ways to reset and recharge. Below, you’ll find several University resources and ideas to improve your mental health.

Organizational Wellness

Organizational wellness begins with managers and leaders—how can they positively shape University and team culture to demonstrate that wellbeing is a top priority in the workplace? The Work Life office has created several resources designed to help managers, department chairs, and unit heads incorporate research-backed practices into their leadership.

Part of workplace wellness is feeling accepted and respected by peers and the larger NYU community. In addition to the Office of Global Inclusion and Diversity’s initiatives to create a more inclusive work environment, the Work Life office leads a specialized initiative to raise awareness about age and ageism in the workplace.

 Wrinkle Project logo

The Wrinkle Project@NYU

Work Life is home to The Wrinkle Project@NYU, an initiative led by Dr. Stacey Gordon, Program Director of Next Phase Adult Caregiving and Retirement, designed to change the way we think about age throughout the life cycle. The Wrinkle Project@NYU aims to disrupt the negative narrative about growing older and create new ways for people to enjoy every stage of life—in the workplace, in the community, and at home. The Wrinkle Project@NYU hosts new events for faculty and administrators every semester.