Teaching and Learning Technology Governance at NYU

A set of governance committees and advisory groups exists to prioritize shared needs regarding teaching and learning with technology at NYU. The membership of these groups is drawn from each of the schools and degree-granting campuses, as well as from various University offices. These groups are not intended to be the sole venues at NYU for discussing teaching and learning with technology. Rather, the structure that they provide enables faculty, instructional technologists, and school-based academic technology groups to identify common needs for tools, training, and service; to elevate recommendations regarding policy, practice, and project prioritization to NYU IT and the Office of the Provost; and to navigate the increasingly complex environments around compliance, security and privacy, and digital accessibility.

Finally, in collaboration with NYU IT, Libraries, and the Office of the Provost, the three governance groups sponsor workshops and other University-wide events on innovations within technology-enhanced education.

The standing committees are:

Committee Co-Chairs Member Roles Meeting
Faculty Committee on Technology Enhanced Education (FTEE)
Clay Shirky & Jan Plass Includes academic policy and process representatives Monthly
User Advisory Group (UAG)
Bob Squillace,  Sean Diaz, & Fan Jiang
School faculty users and instructional technologists Bi-weekly, 1.5 hour meeting
Instructional Technologists Committee (ITC) Website
Lucy Appert,
Johan Starr
School-based and global instructional technologists Monthly, 1.5 hour meeting
Teaching & Learning Community Advisory Board
Clay Shirky,  Ben Maddox Includes Four Key Stakeholders Per School: School Business/Administrative Officer, CIO Council Member, FTEE Member and Lead Academic Tech/Instructional Technologist Quarterly, or as needed, to weigh in on priorities formally constituted as a web ballot with each school receiving 1 vote across 4 officers/members
Coordinating Committee Clay Shirky & Ben Maddox Includes all co-chairs from FTEE, UAG and ITC, and other representatives as needed for specific discussions (including Application Dev/PSO) Monthly

Committees and groups set their own schedules (see table), yet share a common annual planning cycle described in more detail here in the annual NYU IT planning illustration which helps to bring projects to the forefront for prioritization, planning, and funding.

For more information or with additional questions, please reach out to us at tl.governance.info@nyu.edu.

Faculty Committee on Technology-Enhanced Education at NYU

The charge for this group is to facilitate the process of developing a vision for teaching and learning at the University, especially as it relates to the use of technology innovations.
Read more about the Faculty Committee on Technology-Enhanced Education at NYU

To that end, the committee

  • Promotes experimentation in the schools with technology-enhanced approaches to teaching and research, consulting broadly with faculty, students, and staff
  • Identifies and promotes existing projects and opportunities to explore and assess the pedagogical benefits associated with the use of technology to support teaching and learning objectives
  • Identifies and promotes best practices for course design and instruction using technology, and for institutional support of technology-enhanced education
  • Develops means for assessing technology-enhanced courses, in consultation with experts in assessment and technology-enhanced education from within or outside the University, and promotes the sharing of these assessments across the schools
  • Makes recommendations for instructional technology improvements to the Teaching Technology Committee; educates faculty on how decisions are made in this area at NYU
  • Reviews individual schools’ initiatives in technology-enhanced education, to determine if a University-level strategy emerges and to prepare the University to respond to both challenges and opportunities that arise in this area

User Advisory Group

The User Advisory Group is a recommendatory committee intended to capture the needs of our user community; it develops granular User Needs Reports (see below) on topics that its members surface. It is not a decision-making committee. Its recommendations must be reviewed by the policy-making committees to which it reports before final review and potential adoption. Based on the User Needs reports that the UAG provides, the Instructional Technologists Committee conducts landscape reviews of available platforms for meeting particular needs (e.g. web-conferencing) and recommends solutions to the T&L coordinating committee.

Read more about the User Advisory Group

Instructional Technologists Committee

The Instructional Technologists Committee facilitates the conversation, coordination, and resources necessary to support faculty in re-imagining their courses and curricula with technology enhancements.

The Committee was created after the recommendation of NYU's Faculty Committee on Technology-Enhanced Education (FTEE). The FTEE's July 2014 report recommended that there be "at least one instructional technologist based in every school, and convene these individuals regularly with University-level IT staff, in order to coordinate initiatives.”

Committee Charge

  1. Surfaces school-based, portal-based, and site-based instructional technology needs, with the goal of coordinating decision-making so that, where possible, University-wide solutions can be reached and shared
  2. Continues to address emerging support needs through the evaluation and assessment of instructional technology services
  3. Enhances the information architecture (e.g., visibility, navigability) of existing online resources about technology-enhanced education, and ensure that online resources (e.g., the FAQs, the inventory of online and hybrid/blended courses, and the bibliography of articles about technology-enhanced education) are regularly updated
  4. Develops and disseminates best practices and emerging trends for instructional uses of technology, especially standards for online courses
  5. Develops and disseminate training and workshop materials for instructors and instructional technologists across NYU
  6. Creates instructional technology targets and goals as well as coordination of instructional technology pilots
  7. Considers and collaborates across school and central teams on shared systems, code libraries, Data Asset Management systems, and file type standards