Offered by the NYU Office of the Provost, the Teaching Advancement Grant (TAG) aims to help NYU faculty members undertake projects that will enhance student learning and promote innovative teaching practice. 

TAG works to increase classroom impact across NYU, and potentially other universities, by developing measurable, evidence-based, and effective classroom practices capable of improving student learning in a variety of contexts. Proposals that address this question from the influential Boyer 2030 Report on education in research universities are especially encouraged: 

How will we ensure that our students—all of them, without exception—are educated using evidence-informed pedagogies in intentionally inclusive and empathy-based educational environments?


  • Workshops and consultations before grant application due dates in order to scope and focus proposals.
  • Life-of-grant partnerships with the Office of the Provost’s Learning Experience Design team (LED), which includes: the Learning Experience Design team’s instructional designers; referrals to experts on scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL); referrals to learning analytics experts; and support from multimedia creators where applicable.
  • Eighteen-month grant cycle to allow for project development, periodically revised implementation, and post-grant dissemination.
  • Opportunities for dissemination include NYU website, panels, and presentations (e.g. TeachTalks), partnerships with teaching networks and other external organizations (e.g. the Faculty Resource Network), academic conferences, and publication.
  • Varying funding tiers to offer faculty flexibility in scope of projects that allow for wide-ranging benefits to students.

For information about the most recent submission process and proposal criteria, or to see summaries of past successful projects, please review the materials below. While submissions are now closed until the Fall of 2024, the Provost's Office is here to help with all things related to your teaching

To schedule a consultation with an educational designer, or for any other TAG related inquiries, email us at

TAG 2023–2024 Awardees

Project Titles & Descriptions

TAG 2022–2023 Awardees

Project Titles & Descriptions

TAG 2021–2022 Awardees

Project Titles & Descriptions

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