Washington Square Park

The Caring Culture Grants: a Work Life Initiative for Workplace Well-being 

The past several years have placed a burden on our well-being resulting in the need for our community to reassess and refocus ways to contribute to a healthy workplace. Research has shown a direct correlation between our workplace culture and our well-being. Improving our workplace well-being demands that we look at systemic interventions that impact our culture and values.

The Work Life office has been focused on improving workplace culture and well-being of faculty and administrators at NYU. Together, we can envision and create a more caring culture at NYU by fostering grassroots changes. By addressing systemic well-being issues and through continuous feedback and evaluation of our NYU community we can design a future where we all can flourish.

2024 Grantees

In response to our inaugural call for proposals, Work Life received an unprecedented level of interest in the Caring Culture Grants. We are excited to announce 15 grantees:

  • Wasserman Center for Career Development
    Project Title: Wasserman Culture Collaborations
  • Meyers Nursing
    Project Title: Cultivating a Culture of Care: Building a Community of Practice to Enhance the Work Life of Undergraduate Nursing Program Faculty, Staff, and Administrators.
  • Institute of Human Development and Social Change
    Project Title: Nourish & Restore: IHDSC’s Collective Care Initiative
  • Global Programs/ NYU Washington, DC
    Project Title: NYUDC Water Cooler Talk
  • Spanish & Portuguese
    Project Title: Fluencies: puentes y corrientes (bridges and flows) in the workplace
  • NYU Silver
    Project Title: Elevating Culture at NYU Silver
  • Office of the Vice Provost for Research/Provost
    Project Title: VPR Caring Culture
  • Office of Academic Program Review and Assessment (Office of the Provost)
    Project Title: Setting Boundaries in a Time of Growth
  • MPAP/Dance Education Program
    Project Title: Strategies for Embodying Wellness and Compassion
  • Library Lab, Division of Libraries
    Project Title: Growing Library Connections
  • Metro Center
    Project Title: Metro Cares
  • Liberal Studies/A&S
    Project Title: Breaking Team Silos at LS: Connection, Collaboration, and Care
  • Enterprise Information Governance and Management (NYUIT) in collaboration with the Office of Data Governance (GEMSS)
    Project Title: Cross-Department Job Shadowing Program
  • SPS Division of Programs in Business
    Project Title: Bimonthly Mini DPB Wellness Retreats
  • Campus Safety
    Project Title: Operation Mindfulness: Enhancing the Well-Being of Campus Safety Personnel

Highlighted Projects