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The NYU Promise: Meeting 100% Demonstrated Need

NYU is dedicated to reducing financial barriers to higher education for the talented students who enroll at NYU each year.  We are committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of all students that enter as first year undergraduates admitted to our New York campus ensuring access to one of the most global and prestigious research universities in the world.

Meeting 100% Demonstrated Need

Our commitment to meeting 100% demonstrated financial need means that:

  • The Cost of Attendance - tuition, housing, food, books and supplies - minus a family’s ability to pay as determined by the College Board’s CSS Profile and FAFSA* is used when determining a financial aid package.
  • Our expectation is that students will not need to borrow. Loans remain available if families would prefer that option to finance their education.
  • NYU Scholarships increase each year to cover annual tuition

* International applicants will be reviewed based on the CSS Profile alone

Who is eligible to have their demonstrated need met?

Students admitted as first year undergraduate students to our New York campus and who apply for financial aid by the financial aid deadlines will have 100% of their demonstrated need met.

What does meeting demonstrated need mean?

Meeting demonstrated need means NYU will cover, through scholarships, grants and expected student work, the total cost of attendance - including tuition, housing, food, books and supplies - less the amount that your family is expected to contribute as determined by the information provided on the College Board’s CSS Profile and FAFSA. 

Are international students eligible to have their demonstrated financial need met?

Yes.  First year undergraduate International students who apply for financial aid by the deadlines are eligible for financial aid that aligns with The NYU Promise.

Will loans be a part of my financial aid package?

No.  Loans are not included in the award to meet demonstrated need. Financial aid packages include scholarships, grant aid and expected student work.

Am I eligible if I was admitted to a school in New York but start at a global site?

Students admitted to a New York program that will start at a global site in their first year are eligible.

Are students admitted to Abu Dhabi and Shanghai eligible for The NYU Promise? 

NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai students are not currently included in The NYU Promise. Students who are interested in these global, degree-granting campuses, are encouraged to learn more about the unique financial aid opportunities on the NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai websites.

More Frequently Asked Questions