NYU Study Away Interest Form Review Process

The interest form review is a holistic process that considers the complete academic record, materials and  unique program requirements submitted by each student. On this page you will find all the details needed to be considered to study away for a semester or academic year with NYU Global Programs at an NYU global site.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Registered as a full time student at an accredited US college or university
  • Completed freshman year of study (two full semesters) and will be 18 or older prior to beginning of term away
  • Suggested GPA of 3.0 or higher; students with lower GPA's are encouraged to provide insight to their academic goals in their application
  • Students who have completed at least one year of college but are not presently enrolled or who have graduated are also eligible to apply; however, priority is given to students currently matriculated
  • Students on academic or disciplinary probation are ineligible to study away
  • Students currently on leave from their institution may be required to return to their home campus and successfully complete one academic semester (Fall or Spring) of full-time course work before enrolling in NYU Study Away; this is determined on a case-by-case basis


Fall, Spring, and Academic Year

All visiting students are required to select two location preferences for study away. Please review this list to confirm the locations that are available:

Note: NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Los Angeles Program, NYU New York, NYU Sydney, and NYU Tulsa are available to NYU students only.


There are a number of summer programs administered by the Office of Global Programs as well as NYU schools. Most study way locations for fall and spring also have an OGP-administered program. In some cases these programs also provide internships and language intensives. For a complete list of summer opportunities, please visit the Summer Study Away page.

Interest Form Timelines

Interest forms are generally available 10 months in advance of the intended study away semester. Students should submit their interest form on or before the deadlines posted below. Students who submit during rolling admissions will only be admitted as space remains available.

Fall Semester Study Away

  • Interest form available: October 15th
  • Deadline: February 15th
  • Notification begins: March 1
  • Rolling admssions available through: June 1st

Spring Semester Study Away

  • Interest form available: March 15th 
  • Deadline: September 15th
  • Notification begins: October 1
  • Rolling admissions available through: December 1st

Summer Study Away (OGP managed programs)

  • Application available: December 1st
  • Deadline: February 15th
  • Notification begins: March 1st
  • Rolling admissions available through: December 1st

**Special note for students who wish to enroll at NYU Prague: Visa requirements set by the Czech government take up to 4 months to secure and process. Interested students should submit the interest form by the earliest possible deadline to enroll at NYU Prague.

Items Needed to Submit Interest Form

In order to be considered to study away for a semester or an academic year, we require the following information to consider your interest form complete:

  • General Background Information- Name, Email, Address, etc
  • Term Selection- Fall Semester or Spring Semester. Academic Year (Fall & Spring Semester) applicants should select Fall Semester.
  • 1st choice program selection - 2nd and 3rd choice locations are optional*
  • Transcript
  • Academic Details- Major, Class Standing, Anticipated Graduation Year
  • Study Abroad Advisor Approval Form (from home institution)
  • Citizenship Details
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Location-Specific Details

*A second or third choice will be reviewed if there is limited space at your first choice location. By selecting additional choices this does not decrease your likelihood of receiving an offer to enroll at your first choice location. If you do not select a second or third choice, this does not mean you are guaranteed an offer at your first choice location. It is possible you will be placed on a waitlist should your first choice location be at capacity.

Once you submit your intrerest form, you will have access to apply for additional optional opportunities (where available). Access to opportunities is based on your first choice location:

  • Specialized Academic Program
  • For-credit and Non-credit Internships

Steps to Submit an Interest Form

  1. Create an application ID as a first-time user
  2. Select the term you would like to study away. You can select Fall Semester or Spring Semester. Students applying for a Full Academic Year (Fall & Spring should select the Fall Semester).
  3. Submit all required sections of the form
  4. Receive a confirmation email to access your individualized Study Away Portal. It will take about 15-30 minutes to receive access to this page.
  5. Click the Study Away Portal link and submit optional materials to be considered for academic internships, and/or specialized programs for selected locations. Opportunities are based on first choice location selection. NOTE: Deadlines for many of these optional opportunities align with the Study Away deadline. Please plan ahead!

Specialized Programs

In addition to study away, here is a list of specialized programs visiting students can apply for: