Public Impact Initiative

Institutionalizing Advocacy, Policy Change, and Public Impact

In recent years, remarkable advances in nutrition science and policy provide unprecedented opportunities for positive change. Yet, this knowledge remains under-appreciated and under-utilized. The public, media, policymakers, and industry are deeply interested in healthy eating, but they are also often confused about optimal dietary priorities, strategies, and stakeholder networks to achieve real change. In this tumult, a trusted voice is essential to provide credible science and reliable solutions.

From its inception, our School has always focused on engagement with the real world and on making a difference. As with any academic institution, this work has historically depended on the efforts of individual faculty, staff, students, and alumni. To achieve what we wish in the world, our focus on public impact must more deeply develop into an integral part of our School’s structure. To attain this, we have assembled a transformative agenda to create and apply institutional systems and strategies for public good. 

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Associated Goals

Goal XII: Further establish our position as a trusted voice in nutrition science and policy.

Communicate and disseminate research findings to make insights accessible to policymakers, practitioners, industry, media, and the general public.

Develop a public relations strategy to integrate all of our media products and strategies and to engage relevant partners and stakeholders.

Expand and leverage the reach and impact of the Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, including through novel partnerships and subscription models.

Goal XIII: Launch a schoolwide strategy and structure for advocacy, policy change, and public impact.

Develop specific positions for advocacy and active support of legislation, policies, and programs that are consistent with the mission of the School.

Develop a network of partner organizations that represent key sectors on issues of nutrition science, policy, and public impact.

Convene major gatherings and reports on food, nutrition, and related topics to foster real-world change.

Develop a School Center to provide structure and staff for this initiative.

Expert Faculty

Dariush Mozaffarian

Dariush Mozaffarian

Distinguished Professor