Foundational Initiatives

Optimizing Structure and Function

A strong foundation is crucial to achieve our aims and reach new heights.  Our Strategic Plan recognizes the essential role of specific structures that enable and catalyze the success of our faculty, staff, and students.

In the last 2 years, we have already made many changes to improve our infrastructure and operating systems.  These include new staff hires to help establish a dedicated sponsored research team; multiple new faculty hires and searches that reflect our strategic needs; and a major physical expansion that increased our footprint in downtown Boston by 30%, creating space for existing and incoming faculty, growing research teams, doctoral students, and lively social interactions. Further assessment and planning will help us accomplish all we aim to achieve, and we are excited to engage in that process in the coming years.

Associated Goals

Goal XIV: Develop and implement long-term structures for the School's administration; financial, virtual, and technological needs; and related infrastructure to support our mission and academic goals.

Enhance the culture of administrative excellence through investments in staff recognition, training, development, and mentoring.

Develop a long-term financial strategy based on our strategic aims, new budgeting structure, faculty research directions, ongoing development efforts, and the University Capital Campaign.

Increase School revenue by broadening the use of current physical resources and leveraging intellectual assets.

Assess and develop the necessary infrastructure for current and future data, computational, and research information needs.

Determine and integrate the technological and conference spaces that are suited for live courses, virtual education, and other communication.

Plan for both intermediate and long-term physical space needs based on projected faculty, education, research, entrepreneurship, and public impact efforts.