Josh Hammer
Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large And Host,
"The Josh Hammer Show"

The Democrat-Lawfare Complex's insufferable machinations against former President Donald Trump are finally reaching a boiling point. The Alvin Bragg-led prosecution has rested its case in New York City, and a jury verdict could come as soon as next week. Not to put too fine a point on it, but a guilty verdict against Trump at this point—after the thoroughly shambolic "star witness" testimony of Michael Cohen, and after the prosecution more generally has failed to even articulate what exactly is its purported legal theory of the case—would be absolutely bonkers, clown-car, banana republic-type stuff. More generally, from New York to Georgia to Florida to Washington, D.C., the Democrat-Lawfare Complex's unprecedented assaults against Trump are now coming up short.

But that still leaves the all-important question: Will Democrats pay a political price, and will there be meaningful accountability for their republic-destabilizing tactics and outrageous attempts to destroy, prosecute, and incarcerate their chief political opponent over the course of this election cycle? Fo the sake of the country, let's hope so. For details, read my most recent column, which was something of a logical sequel to my column the previous week.

On the most recent episode of "The Josh Hammer Show," I first explained the sad (but nonetheless revealing) tale of serial corporate fraudster Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who is a living testimonial against the DEI ideology. I was then joined by up-and-coming freshman Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) for a wide-ranging conversation about the Left's myriad woke overreaches, recent Republican gains in New York State, and the fight to restore sanity on university campuses amidst debilitating pro-Hamas anarchy. As always, we concluded with our signature rapid-fire "Hammertime" segment. You can listen to all episodes of "The Josh Hammer Show" at the Newsweek website or on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Some other recent highlights of mine include appearances with Steve Bannon on Rumble, Laura Coates on SiriusXM, "Jenna Ellis Tonight" on Salem News Network (with guest-hosts Carl Jackson and Ryan Helfenbein), "National Desk" on Newsmax 2, and "The Rita Panahi Show" on Sky News Australia. I'm also delighted to share that I will officially be speaking at this July's National Conservatism Conference ("NatCon 4") in Washington, D.C.! Check out the conference's home page here for more information.

To keep up with everything I'm doing, make sure to follow me on Twitter/X, Instagram, and Facebook. As a reminder, I also launched a second (legal-themed) show, "America on Trial with Josh Hammer," with The First; you can subscribe and listen to daily (Monday-Friday) episodes of the show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Now for two additional updates. First, Newsweek Voices is now live and I am now putting out fresh bonus audio content almost every weekday, which we are calling "Josh Hammer Premium." This content is paywalled and only available for paying Newsweek subscribers. So make sure to subscribe to Newsweek here if you are not already doing so! Second, we also just rolled out my new Subtext chat, which you can read all about and sign up for here. It's only $2.99/month to subscribe to this brand-new private chat!

Our additional highlighted Newsweek op-eds from the past week includes selections from Member of Knesset Dan Illouz, Rachel N. Morrison, Sheila Nazarian, Kevin Roberts, and Miklós Szánthó.

Will Democrats Pay a Price for Their Cynical, Crumbling Lawfare Strategy?

President Joe Biden, who wears bespoke sneakers to prevent embarrassing collapses and whose command of the English language rivals that of most kindergarteners, is in bad political shape. Uncle Joe's re-election campaign faces an uphill climb, given his disastrous handling of the economy—including a formal recession and four-decade-high inflation—and his abetting a catastrophic and historically unprecedented invasion on our southern border. Cynicism and a sense of malaise are ubiquitous, and Americans overwhelmingly think the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Monday's New York Times/Siena College poll reflects this: former President Donald Trump currently leads in five of the six most crucial swing states.

Given their terrible candidate, the candidate's awful track record, and their tremendous (if unjustified) fear that a second Trump term would pose an existential threat to "our democracy" (which they disingenuously claim to care about), it is unsurprising that Democrats have resorted to some of the slimiest tactics imaginable to derail Trump's comeback bid and push their senile octogenarian across the November finish line. Properly skeptical of their chances to topple Trump in a fair mano-a-mano, the Democrat-Lawfare Complex in 2023 conjured up four separate criminal prosecutions—two federal probes and two state probes—targeting the 45th president. After all, if you can't beat him, then ... prosecute and incarcerate him! All in the name of "our democracy," naturally.

Suffice it to say that the Democrat-Lawfare Complex's brazen, cynical attempt to subvert our constitutional order in the name of saving it has not gone according to plan.

Listen to the latest episode of
The Josh Hammer Show Here

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