This psychologist thinks we’ve got looking for love all wrong – and this is her advice to singletons

In her latest book, The Joy Of Imperfect Love, psychologist Dr Carla Marie Manly details the misconceptions that hinder our pursuit of fulfilling relationships, writes Filomena Kaguako

Dr Carla Marie Manly

Filomena Kaguako

When it comes to navigating romance in the modern world, many of us have a misguided belief that dating apps and inadequate suitors are the primary reasons we fail in our quest for love. We subscribe to the idea that our poor choices are a reflection of the dating pool alone and completely negate the role we play.

Becoming aware of our patterns and having the tools to identify them in a way that will help us foster healthier relationships is the crux of Dr Carla Marie Manly’s new title, The Joy of Imperfect Love, which was released in March.