Ask Allison: I tried dating apps four years after losing my husband and I'm shocked — is this just how dating is in Ireland now?

Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships

Basic manners often appear to be lacking on dating apps. Picture: Getty

Allison Keating

Question: I lost my beloved husband to cancer and was left raising our two sons. All of my energy went into looking after them and their well-being. Four years on, I decided it was time for me to have some “adult company” without the kids.

With no expectations, I joined the dating apps and it has been a shock to my system. A recent experience has left me speechless: The first meeting went great, we got on well immediately, really easy company and fun, which is all I’ve been looking for in this process. We went out on a dinner date, and this continued where we would see each other about twice a week and were in touch by phone and by text message every day. This was an “exclusive casual arrangement”, in that we were not seeing other people. All was going great, or so I thought.