Olivia Petter: The sexist AI app that shows just how bad dating is right now

A new app promises to help men placate ‘angry girlfriends’ taps into damaging archaic stereotypes

The angry girlfriend on AngryGF is, it transpires, very angry. Photo: Getty

Olivia Petter
© UK Independent

When did romance die? Was it when we all started swiping for love on the loo? Or when sliding into each other’s DMs for sex became a thing? How about when Brad and Angelina broke up? No, it’s only today that the death knell is finally sounded. Because, thanks to a new app, straight men have started using AI to resolve arguments with their girlfriends. We might as well all give up now.

Introducing “AngryGF”, the app that is “designed to help users handle relationship conflicts with their partners, especially girlfriends or wives”. I know what you’re thinking. Of course an app like this has been created. How else are straight men supposed to know how to communicate with their partners?