Modern Morals: How can I get away from my toxic group of friends? There’s too much bitching and I dread seeing them

I want to separate from them but I don’t have anyone else to socialise with and I’m also frightened of the consequences and a big showdown

'There is no law that says we are supposed to stay friends with the people we grew up with into our thirties'. Photo: Getty

Katie Byrne

Question: I’ve been friends with my girl group since primary school. We’re all in our thirties now and we still do everything together. The thing is, it’s beginning to feel more like an obligation. We have a lot of history but not much in common. There’s lots of bitching and it feels like we don’t truly have each other’s backs.

I got a new job recently — it’s a role I’ve wanted for a long time — and it feels like they’re jealous of me rather than happy for me. A couple of weeks ago we went on a weekend break and the group split into factions with everyone bitching about each other. I feel like I have to keep my guard up with them and I’m beginning to dread the next big event. It’s a toxic group and I want to separate from them but I don’t have anyone else to socialise with and I’m also frightened of the consequences and a big showdown. What should I do?