Asking for a friend: I’m in my 40s and have never been kissed or been on a date. I feel like a freak. Will I always be this lonely?

'You absolutely do not have to be ‘fixed’ or ‘perfect’ to date.' Photo posed

Caroline West

Q: I am in my early 40s and have never had a relationship. I have never had any intimate connection with anyone, never been kissed and never went on a date. I find it hard to accept that others would want to spend time with me. As a result, I will always wait to be asked if I want to be involved in an event or go for a drink.

I have always had issues with my weight and, for a number of years, I had an eating disorder. I believed nobody would want to be seen with me when I was younger and had this fantasy I would work on my appearance and eventually meet someone who was attracted to me. This did not happen and, the older I got, the more I felt like a freak.