Asking for a friend: I really click with my new partner and the sex is great – but our lives are very different. Can we work in the long term?

'Not every person is ‘the one’, and some people have many ‘ones’.' Photo posed

Caroline West

Q: I’ve met this wonderful new guy, and we get on like a house on fire. We click in so many ways, and spending time together feels easy, and our intimate life is great. The issue is, outside of just our interactions, I’m starting to worry that our lives are too different. We have completely different jobs, and we have only had brief meetings with each other’s friends, but it was awkward as they are all so different in terms of career or outlook on life or spending free time in very different ways. We definitely have a spark, but I worry that it will burn out suddenly or even slowly fizzle out as we realise we are too different. We don’t talk about a future as such, just current things or past experiences, and I feel a little bit like it’s becoming an elephant in the room, but he makes no attempt to talk about defining us more solidly. I worry it’s because he thinks the same as me, and that we don’t really fit inside each other’s lives in the long term. When I’m with him, it’s just great and time flies, but then I have these worries creeping in when we are apart. Do you think this could ever work out long term? I do really like him.

Dr West replies: Opposites can attract, as Paula Abdul reminded us, but they can also drive us apart. If you have absolutely nothing in common with your partner, it doesn’t have much of an impact if it’s a casual relationship. In a long-term relationship, some commonalities can make the relationship more sustainable.