Ask Allison: Is love enough? I’m happy in my relationship but we want to live in different counties

Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships

Is love enough when you both want different things? Photo: Getty

Allison Keating

Question: I am in a happy three-year relationship. We are in our late 20s. We met during COVID-19 on a dating app. However, we are from separate counties which are 35-40 minutes away from one another and have never lived really close by or together. Throughout our relationship, we both moved to different cities in Ireland for work purposes while climbing the ladder for our careers and enjoying living with our friends. Now we are both in happy jobs and back at home, living with our parents.

Due to the moves I have made throughout my 20s, I don’t have a large group of friends close by. I still keep in touch with my different friends — however, with life getting in the way, I may only see them twice a year. I have two good friends from school who live locally, which I am grateful for, and since moving home I have started new hobbies and find myself busy during the week being part of a new community.