Louise McSharry: My go-to products for a perfect, dewy complexion

For Louise McSharry, makeup always starts with your skin

Louise McSharry's choice of the best beauty products for a dewy complexion

Louise McSharry

I could not be happier taking up residence on this page for the foreseeable future, to write about one of my greatest passions: beauty. My love for product started in my granny’s makeup drawer in her kitchen in Phibsborough, Dublin, and has never faded. Despite the absolutely ridiculous amount of makeup and skincare products I have at home, I still regularly gasp with joy when something new comes in the door. I can’t wait to share this joy with you.

For me, makeup can be about fun, self-expression or simply making the mirror more palatable on a down day, but it always starts with the skin. I want my skin to resemble that of a tiny baby’s. Moist, plump, and like it’s never seen a stressful day in its life. Pores? I don’t want to know them. Unfortunately, I am an adult woman, and this year alone has been trying enough — testing the limits of the Botox which is currently paralysing my frown lines (don’t worry, I’ll write all about that at some stage), so skincare and makeup are the only things that can help me now.