Louise McSharry: Four dreamy new products to boost your makeup routine

The latest makeup buys to revolutionise your routine

Louise McSharry

In my teens and early twenties, I spent countless hours poring over the beauty pages of magazines, deciding what to spend my limited and hard-earned money on. Beauty products were my favourite thing to buy, and I wanted to try everything. I fantasised often about what it would be like to work in a magazine with new product arriving day in and day out for testing; assessing which were worth telling readers about.

As a beauty columnist, I now get to live that fantasy to a certain extent. What I didn’t realise, though, was that there would always be something to covet. Even when you have an embarrassment of riches in the makeup front — and honestly, sometimes it does feel embarrassing — there is always something you don’t have, that you’re dying to try.