Seachtain: Jordan Bardella, an réalt TikTok leading France’s rise of the far right – nó giolla le Pen go díreach?

Tá an eite dheis chun cinn sa FhraincLabhraíonn an tOllamh Bairbre Ní Chíosáin le Seachtain

Success at the polls: Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally party. Photo: Sarah Meyssonnier/Reuters

Ó Bhaile Átha Cliath go Beirlín, ón Phrág go Páras, tá an for-eite dheis ag bailiú nirt, go háirithe i measc daoine óga.

San Iodáil, san Fhionnlainn, sa tSlóvaic agus san Ungáir – populist right-wing parties have even won elections and even entered into government.