The Armada Hotel review - coastal cool with a community focus in Co Clare

The Armada Hotel is an independent four-star overlooking Spanish Point — but so much more besides. Think Atlantic chic meets creative local values...

Inside The Armada Hotel - coastal cool with a community focus in Co Clare

Pól Ó Conghaile

The Armada, an independent four-star overlooking Spanish Point in Co Clare, isn’t just a hotel I’d recommend to holidaymakers. It’s one I’d recommend to hoteliers, too.

At first glance, it seems a pretty standard coastal retreat. There’s a cosy pub, liberal sprinkles of seafood on menus, and rooms that can vary a fair bit depending on where they sit and what they overlook. But once you start tasting, sipping, sitting and chatting, you’ll see why it stands out. This is a creative spirit, a business balancing a leap towards coastal chic with real community roots.