Review: Lexus LBX is a petite powerhouse blending luxury and efficiency for downsizing drivers

Realistically you won’t squeezing a big family into this crossover, but it’s a hugely fun car for your inner child

LBX stands for Lexus Breakthrough Crossover

Geraldine Herbert

From the moment you have children, everything you buy comes under the family microscope. That chic, minimalist coffee table? Forget it. Sharp edges and glass tops spell disaster in a home where toddlers are honing their Olympic gymnastics skills. Instead, you end up with a round, soft-edged monstrosity that looks like it belongs in a padded cell.

Even holidays aren’t immune — a 10-day package to a tropical paradise — perfect for relaxing and recharging — morphs into a trip to a theme park, complete with character breakfasts and endless queues.