Women are shining a light of opportunity on motor sector

Sharon O’Buachalla, managing director of Ayvens; Mary Kennedy, MC; and Aoife O’Grady, head of Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland

Eddie Cunningham

​More than 170 professional women from various sectors across the motor industry attended the recent annual Women@Simi to celebrate the contributions they make.

Society of the Irish Motor Industry (Simi) president Jonathan Meade, at his first official event in the role, said the event shines a positive light on women working in the industry and serves as an example for others who may wish to join.

Sharon O’Buachalla, managing director of Ayvens, was one of the guest speakers who shared their insights on leadership and innovation in the industry.

She spoke about what she has learnt as a leader and said that those thinking of entering the industry have to be passionate about what they do.

Guest speaker Aoife O’Grady, head of Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland, said the motor industry is constantly evolving and people need to be prepared to be flexible and adaptable.