Most of us would use public transport – if we could get it

72pc of people who use a car for commuting would consider switching to more environmentally friendly options if they were available

Eddie Cunningham

Many of us would use public transport if it were there, a new Carzone study has found.

Carzone’s 2024 motoring report takes a look at our commuting trends and gives insights into just how many people are thinking about what they need to get around.

It shows most people are “deeply rooted” in car culture, with 81pc of us using cars as our primary mode of ­commuting – over public transport, walking or cycling. However, there is a “growing” sense of being open to other forms of transport.

A noteworthy 81pc primarily use cars for commuting but a significant number of those (72pc) would switch to more environmentally friendly options if they were available.

That is especially the case among younger people, especially those aged between 17 and 24. Three-quarters (76pc) are open to switching.

In contrast, those over 65 are least inclined to switch. The insights stem from Carzone research which ­amalgamates data from 80 million searches in 2023 with a survey of 1,000 motorists nationwide.