What is the viral TikTok ‘ice trick’ and can it help new mothers deal with anger?

A woman throwing ice into a bathtub has garnered millions of views on TikTok, but the comments are divided when it comes to whether it’s a helpful hack for new motherhood

After their babies are born, some mothers can experience feelings of anger and frustration. Photo: Getty

Saoirse Hanley

When someone has a baby, the people around them tend to assume that the new mother is basking in the glow of their new arrival. Yes, they must be tired, but surely the main thing they’re feeling is happiness? Of course, it’s much more complicated than that, and for many there can be intense feelings of anxiety and even anger.

Irritability and anger can be symptoms of postnatal depression, a condition that affects an estimated 15pc of Irish mothers, according to the HSE. Generally, the condition is treated either with therapy or with anti-depressants.