Mothers at the centre of Netflix’s ‘The Man with 1000 Kids’ speak out: ‘We just want him to stop’

Serial sperm donor Jonathan Jacob Meijer. Photo: Netflix

Kevin E G Perry
© UK Independent

In 2010, a Dutch woman named Natalie decided she wanted to have a child. “It’s not easy if you’re a lesbian,” she recalled with a chuckle. “I can’t just go out and have some fun and become pregnant. It takes a little bit of planning.”

After ruling out male friends, Natalie went online and weighed up her options. At first, she considered a donor clinic, but was put off by the Dutch law that prevents donor-conceived children from learning the identity of the donor until they turn 16. “I was afraid there could be an identity crisis lying ahead,” she said. “That’s something I don’t wish for any child.”