Dr David Coleman: How do I persuade my teenager not to smoke weed?

If your teenager is showing signs of being interested in weed, it is important to understand their reasons, listen to them and communicate your own view on drug use calmly and clearly, writes Dr David Coleman

Having clear expectations and rules around drug use makes it less likely that your teen will experiment. Photo: Getty

Dr David Coleman

Nearly a quarter of all young people in Ireland aged 15-24 have smoked weed in their lifetime, with about one in six having smoked it in the last year. Anecdotally, when talking with teenagers, it often appears to me that the number of teenagers smoking weed is even higher. So, how do you persuade your children not to smoke weed in their teenage years?

It is important to be very clear, for yourself, about your values and your beliefs when it comes to drug use. For example, you may be an occasional user of legal drugs like alcohol, or even prescription medication, while having very strong opinions about illegal drug use.