Bill Linnane: Watching my daughter head off on her first sun holiday with her pals totally terrifies me

'My daughter is heading off on her first sun holiday with her friends, and I'm worried'. Photo: Getty

Bill Linnane

I never went on a lads sun holiday. In the seven years between finishing secondary school and becoming a parent, I was usually too broke to jump on a plane and go on the sesh in the sun. Most people were back then, as those were the halcyon days before flights cost less than a train ticket. After graduating from college, I did briefly suggest I might head off to Spain with the lads, but at that stage I had a four-month-old daughter so really the moment had passed.

I did occasionally muse when watching Ibiza Uncovered that it seemed like I might have missed out on an important rite of passage, but now I’m older I don’t think I missed much. ​