Bill Linnane: So what will it be this summer – corrode the kids’ brains with screens or drag them into the wild?

Kids today are living in a golden age of things to do and places to go. Photo: Getty

Bill Linnane

Kids today, eh? Addicted to their screens. Can’t get them off them so you can’t, they are glued to their devices from first thing in the morning to last thing at night, it’s just screens, screens, screens. Granted, I am typing this out on a keyboard attached to a screen, and it then goes through several other screens where other people read over it before being published, and chances are that you are reading it on a screen. But still.

Screens are bad but only for them, not us. Their tiny child brains are like soft little sponges, prone to absorbing all sorts of harmful stuff, whereas ours are really more like walnuts where retaining any new information is next to impossible.