Martina Devlin: If far right are on the rise in Ireland, where are their seats? Political credibility has eluded them

Extremists appear to be all noise and no substance as candidates fail to secure support in elections

Counting at the TF Royal Theatre in Castlebar for the local and European elections. Photo: Niall Carson/PA

Martina Devlin

If the far right is on the rise, where is its army of councillors and MEPs filling seats? Where is its electoral legitimacy? Clearly, despite pockets of support, the “Ireland for the Irish” position hasn’t gained significant traction in the polls.

The election campaign was dominated by the immigration question: coverage grappled with worries about a far-right upsurge and how this might reshape the State. But as it turns out, candidates with hard-line views on border controls are not the voice of the people. Political credibility has eluded them.