How opening an organic abattoir saved this Wexford farm

Mary Regan’s organic poultry business was under threat when her local slaughterhouse closed down – so she built one on her farm. She also diversified into dairy and vegetables and insists, ‘there are so many opportunities provided by even the smallest farms if you just look for them’

Mary Regan on her organic farm near Enniscorthy, Co Wexford, where she has built an organic slaughterhouse to kill her chickens. Photos: Patrick Browne

Tamara Fitzpatrick

When the organic abattoir Mary Regan had been using to process her poultry closed down, she knew she had to take matters into her own hands if her farm was to survive.

In 2015, with no experience of processing meat or poultry, she set the wheels in motion to open her own organic abattoir on her farm in Enniscorthy.