Gina London: How to embrace the beauty of imperfection in the workplace

Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. Photo: Netflix © 2023

Gina London

Hello, dear readers and welcome to October!

I know I promised you that September was going to be dedicated to applying the wisdom of ancient philosophers to help us progress in our career paths today.

Then I travelled to the Philippines and now I have bonus treat in store for you today.

You see, I just returned home this past week after having the privilege of leading effective communications workshops for two teams of bright leaders at KPMG in Manila. As always, I don’t merely teach. I listen. And I always learn something from the participants.

Specifically, I want to share with you the inspiration I gleaned from a conversation I had with technology consulting director Ardee Jireh Adrales. In addition to her encouraging me to not wear my high-heeled shoes on my second full-day of training (Amen. And thank you), she also shared about her recent trip to Japan where she discovered the philosophies of ikigai and wabi sabi.

Although they are both ancient in origin, they are both very actively practiced today. And although I had heard of each of them (and if any of you are watching the Netflix series, Live to 100: Secrets of The Blue Zone, you have also already heard of at least ikigai) – I decided to delve deeper and explore some practical and powerful takeaways that we can apply to transform our business careers and, more importantly, our lives.

1 Ikigai: Find your true purpose and assion

Imagine waking up every morning, filled with boundless enthusiasm and purpose, eager to seize the day. That’s the magic of Ikigai! This Japanese philosophy encourages us to remind ourselves to recommit every day to the sweet spot where our passions, talents, values, and the world’s needs intersect.

Not simply your purpose, ikigai combines the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

In our business careers, ikigai becomes our guiding star. It prompts us to ask ourselves, “What truly ignites my soul?” When we’re aligned with our ikigai, work no longer feels like a chore. We become unstoppable forces of nature, driven by an unwavering sense of purpose.

2 Wabi sabi: Embrace imperfection and transience

Life is imperfect, and that’s where wabi sabi comes into play. This Japanese philosophy teaches us to embrace the beauty of impermanence, transience, and the imperfect nature of existence. It encourages us to find joy in the flaws, difficulties, the weathered, and the aged.

In the business world, we’re often pressured to chase perfection, but Wabi Sabi reminds us that imperfection can be a source of strength.

3 Ikigai: Achieve balance and fulfilment

Life is a delicate dance, and finding balance is the key to long-lasting success and happiness. Ikigai nudges us to maintain equilibrium between what we love, what we’re good at, what we can be paid for, and what the world needs. It’s a philosophy that encourages us to avoid extremes and find harmony in our pursuits.

In our careers, striking this balance is crucial. Burnout is a real concern in the modern workplace, and ikigai reminds us to nurture our well-being while pursuing our passions. When we’re centred in our ikigai, we’re more resilient in the face of challenges.

We know when to say yes and when to say no, ensuring that our careers are fulfilling without consuming us entirely.

4 Wabi Sabi: Appreciate the Journey, Not Just the Destination

In our fast-paced world, we’re often fixated on the end goal, the destination. We rush through life, missing out on the beauty of the journey itself. wabi sabi encourages us to slow down, savour the moments, and appreciate the imperfections along the way.

This philosophy is a game-changer in business. Rather than obsessing over the final outcome, wabi sabi prompts us to take pleasure in each step, to learn from our mistakes, and to find beauty in the unexpected detours.

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, is a prime example. It started as an online bookstore, but its founder, Jeff Bezos, embraced the wabi sabi approach. Love him or hate him, he appreciated the journey, diversified into various industries, and created one of the most influential companies in the world.

5 Ikigai: Foster collaborative and meaningful relationships

Whether colleagues, friends or family, our connections with others are a fundamental part of our lives.

ikigai encourages us to build meaningful relationships that align with our values and purpose. When we collaborate with others who share our ikigai, meaningful things happen.

In our careers, this is especially potent. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who resonate with our purpose and values can lead to groundbreaking innovations and business success. Take Pixar, for example. The creators at Pixar found their ikigai in telling heartfelt stories through animation.

Their collaborations have given birth to timeless classics like Toy Story and Finding Nemo.

Japanese philosophies like Ikigai and Wabi Sabi offer us invaluable wisdom for both our business careers and our lives.

As we integrate these profound teachings into our daily existence, we unlock the potential to lead more fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.

Write to Gina in care of With corporate clients in five continents, Gina London is a premier communications strategy, structure and delivery expert. She is also a media analyst, author, speaker and former CNN anchor.
