Seeking community, appreciating complexity; gaining insight and discovering both grace and growth, we aspire to cultivate a community where we do better together and we are better together.

Fostering Connection with Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is the science of community and relationships. It is a powerful approach to fostering positive and healthy relationships within our NYU community. By focusing on dialogue, empathy, accountability, and fairness, RP assists in building community, maintaining relationships, and resolving conflicts. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or staff member, incorporating Restorative Practices into your work and relationships can move us toward a healthier campus community. Watch the video below to learn more about RP.


Engage with Restorative Practices

Across the university, we’ve committed to embodying the principles of Restorative Practices. This allows us to engage in meaningful dialogue that encourages community, invites nuance and complexity, and allows for grace and understanding. Here are some examples of how Restorative Practices can be used:

Additional Resources

The following resources are available to help you learn and grow: